The *chans - General Discussion Thread (255)

40 Name: Anonymous 2005-04-03 04:12 ID:rppqkJy3 [Del]


ok I am not going to be nice to you, infact I am going to be blunt. First off, how the hell do you think moot is getting any money off of this at all, he is getting just enough money to pay for the servers from 4chan from the ads on the site, and not4chan has NOTHING to do with him other then it is run by a friend and they suport one another and even if he did keep /fur/ up what would be the big deal, he is catering to the people that go to his site and some of them actualy do like furries, evidently he didn't do that, but still even if he did you would have no right to get all pissy about it, grow up man.

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