4chan's new boards (27)

1 Name: anon!pA1UE1eGto 2005-01-29 19:59 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

moot steals things.

Case in point: 4chan's new board, /x/, the old /p/, is our /r/. Oh, the DRAMA!

The new /p/ is nice, like cityscapes but with less Albright.
And /ic/? Ehh.

2 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-01-29 20:23 ID:mxlstqVw (Replies) [Del]

Just a note: This board is supposed to be neutral ground. Go ahead and start flamewars if you like, but don't say "our" like that.

I'll grant that I have not made this very clear.

3 Name: Anonymous 2005-01-29 23:19 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

So what? Someone started a wakachan /ic after 4chan did(Disclaimer: I use mainly wakachan, but do post on 4chan too. Both forums have been "stealing" features and board ideas from each other since the beginning, so whining about it is moot, if you'll forgive the phrasing.

Repeat after me:

4 Name: hotaru!hoTarufiRE!!H0csnvz2 2005-01-29 23:23 ID:C6GtE3/N (Replies) [Del]

i like 4chan's new /p/... that and /k/ are probably the only two boards on 4chan i like...

5 Name: Anonymous 2005-01-30 02:05 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

It's more a sort of sibling rivalry...

6 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2005-01-30 04:42 ID:sHlLHICu (Replies) [Del]

>The new /p/ is nice, like cityscapes but with less Albright.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

(I hardly ever post in Cityscapes anymore.)

7 Name: Anonymous 2005-01-30 05:14 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]


Only between 4-ch and world4ch there is.

8 Name: Anonymous 2005-01-30 16:01 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

and it mostly consists of making fun of each other in DQN and News4VIP.

9 Name: anon!pA1UE1eGto 2005-01-30 18:29 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]


I was, if you hadn't noticed, being sarcastic.

10 Name: Anonymous 2005-01-30 19:28 ID:IBHFn53v (Replies) [Del]

actually it's more of a DQN and News4VIP rivalry...

11 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-01-30 19:59 ID:vUgA4LU8 (Replies) [Del]


It's not rivalry, it's WAR! With tanks and everything!

12 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-01-30 22:10 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

Where do I sign up for a free tank? I want to go roaring down the highway too.

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13 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. 2005-02-01 13:05 ID:rfxPIZEl (Replies) [Del]

/ic/ was added after the last user Q&A thingy in #4chan; I don't remember why /x/ exists, but I'm pretty sure the only reason iss something to do with making a less shitty-meme-filled /b/.

14 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-01 13:20 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]


As a mod you should know it got created because your admin wanted more high-res pics of mountains on /p/

15 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-17 13:30 ID:oFVaJULT (Replies) [Del]

あひゃひゃひや!!!!!!( ̄□ ̄;)!!

16 Name: Tank 2005-02-21 10:24 ID:Qxb5VGBo (Replies) [Del]


17 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. 2005-02-27 03:20 ID:Heaven [Del]

zomg /x is gone

18 Name: Anonymous 2005-03-19 01:59 ID:F6slt3L+ [Del]

WTSnacks is full of AIDS. - /b/

19 Name: Anonymous 2005-03-24 16:41 ID:haSKJwjY [Del]

still, the new boards are down every now and then (apparently the whole thing is down right now...)

20 Name: Anonymous 2005-03-24 16:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

You gotta admit that 4chan IS huge now.
I wish the mod team as well the user base would relax a bit more, though.

21 Name: Anonymous 2005-03-24 17:08 ID:J8uXGw8c [Del]

Yeah, trolls do stuff to aggravate the mods. Less moderation, less trolling.

22 Name: Anonymous 2005-03-24 17:33 ID:Heaven [Del]

But people also need to learn to just learn trolls slide by. Sage when you just have to reply, don't encourage them by taking them serious, and don't troll as a mod, either.

23 Name: Shadow 2005-04-02 21:08 ID:98luCG20 [Del]

there's only rivalry because a few people are a bunch of faggots with maggots for dicks.

24 Post deleted by user.

25 Name: Anonymous 2005-04-02 21:14 ID:Heaven [Del]

There's always a few people who are a bunch of faggots with maggots for dicks - everywhere. It's how you deal with them that matters.

26 Post deleted by moderator.

27 Post deleted by moderator.

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