Tripcode decoder (696)

33 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2004-11-20 21:33 ID:p1v3LWlA [Del]

Hmm... Also, it seems to have a glitch where, when the string it's testing begins with a single quote ', all of the output hashes are the same... When searching for "dog"...

#'3/  !I5SZO7dog6
#'3/" !I5SZO7dog6
#'3/$ !I5SZO7dog6
#'3/% !I5SZO7dog6


#'=!  !4e7lRoFDog
#'=!" !4e7lRoFDog
#'=!$ !4e7lRoFDog
#'\I  !tVdOGttIJU
#'\I" !tVdOGttIJU
#'\I$ !tVdOGttIJU

and so on... I don't think ' is a valid character for tripcodes anyway, is it?

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