Oekaki Boards (26)

1 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-13 20:31 ID:Heaven [Del]

List cool oekaki boards here!


http://suteki.nu/oekaki/b/wakaba.html - Wakaba Oekaki. You should all know WakaChan's replacement for iichan's /ob/ and if not you're ignorant dumbasses.

http://ex.x0.com/~emperor/oekaki/picture.cgi - a pretty cool board I stumbled upon while browsing some Marimite fanart site. Some of the artists posting there have really awesome & unique styles!

http://sugarisland.org/oekaki/ - NIGHTMARE OEKAKI, an English Guro oekaki board that also links to several other oekaki boards, among them some of the following:

http://rakugaki.site.ne.jp/oekaki/ - Rakugaki Oekaki, the second incarnation of one of the most infamous japanese Guro oekaki boards. Very small post treshold, thus neccessary to visit often to not miss anything.

http://www.eatpoowith.us/cgi-bin/extreme/picture.cgi - Poo Eaters Anonymous, English adult oekaki board with low traffic but very good artists.

http://doodledraw.com/ - There is a good reason to hate anything Jay Stile created or just touched, maybe even this site. More traffic than your average English oekaki board, but also a lot of shit to wad through. Good thing there is an archive for only the best entries.

http://kasumi.sakura.ne.jp/~radio/oekaki/bbsnote.cgi - A futanari/dickgirl board. Very little traffic, but some awesome artists post there.

http://www.fearsome-oekaki.com/ - English adult oekaki board. Much traffic, pretty good quality all around.

http://red.sakura.ne.jp/~nankyoku/char.html - Several japanese oekaki boards dedicated to fanart of series, I think. Content varies from cute shoujo-ai to hardcore yaoi.


2chan's oekaki boards - I have no idea which serves what purpose exactly. shut's interpretation seems to be misleading, I think: raspberryheaven.net/~shut
It's unneccessary to add that these (esp. /q/) harbor the best oekaki artists out there.

2 Name: Shii Style!!W47vWMsG 2004-11-20 16:09 ID:qrMlivbA [Del]

http://oekaki.shii.net/ - only oekaki you ever need

3 Name: Quess!4/ucpf.O8c!!M4q1cUr4 2004-11-30 23:40 ID:rbTIZk2A [Del]


Sexual fetish oriented oekaki

4 Name: Anonymous 2004-12-08 10:17 ID:zYXHQDvQ [Del]


so far it's mostly happy japanese mock americans' misuse of "hentai" oekaki

5 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2004-12-20 16:11 ID:iyG+zkAr [Del]


Seems to be an archive of various oekaki storylines off 2chan.

Make sure to check out the epic Shirley/Emma/Kamen Rider cross-over: http://adelheit.hp.infoseek.co.jp/rider/index.html

6 Name: Anonymous 2005-01-01 08:08 ID:Heaven [Del]

Yostubato! oekaki board finally opened up again:


7 Name: Anonymous 2005-01-06 02:28 ID:Heaven [Del]

feti.org is getting more and more bizarre by the day

8 Name: Anonymous 2005-04-15 22:00 ID:Heaven [Del]

9 Name: Cidsa!iGBMN2S3QU 2005-04-16 20:19 ID:9vPPWgZz [Del]

oekakiBBS is run by poosite, who were the ones who invented oekaki way back when.
Here is mine: http://www10.oekakibbs.com/bbs/cidsa/oekakibbs.cgi

10 Name: Anonymous 2005-05-16 05:27 ID:g5TYKjU2 [Del]

Funny Futaba thread, originally for their SQL oekaki board, in which they mention WAKAchan a few times: http://www.2chan.net/test/read.cgi?bbs=ascii&key=1111748094

11 Name: daisy 2005-05-17 16:53 ID:X1zoFiAH [Del]


12 Name: Anonymous 2005-05-17 21:02 ID:Zq+Q/2wp [Del]


13 Name: Anonymous 2005-08-13 04:36 ID:Heaven [Del]

Very nice one, awesome contributions, mostly humorous.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2005-11-21 22:10 ID:jNf6dt6e [Del]

http://neoartists.org/oekaki/ - Neoartists.org Oekaki; Adult oekaki board, most drawings are tame but mature subject matter allowed, sexual, political, etc. All skill levels permitted... The majority of the artists here are at the intermediate level, though it seems some of the regulars here post one amazing drawing after another.

15 Name: Raven : 2006-03-05 16:36 ID:74wpfFig [Del]

Tired, but can't seem to sleep, and all those sheep you're trying to count just won't cooperate with you? Drop by the Insomniac Oekaki Board, and draw your troubles away ^.~

16 Post deleted by moderator.

17 Name: Robert : 2006-09-24 09:53 ID:Gx/fLte2 [Del]

Insomniac Oekaki pwns all others.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-18 21:44 ID:FE3UQjzB [Del]

Do want.

19 Post deleted by moderator.

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21 Name: Senile : 2009-04-08 10:53 ID:JdtIIJdw [Del]

Dutch Oekakiboard. No account needed to draw, Hall of Fame, challenges, chaindrawings, encouraging and discouraging critique and way more!

Oh, we can speak English too.

22 Post deleted by moderator.

23 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-27 06:44 ID:2VeWuYA9 [Del]

http://pokepun.com/ An oekaki for pokepuns.

24 Name: Lawlsuit Oekaki : 2009-10-25 08:57 ID:PuypLb4+ [Del]

Lawlsuit oekaki is designed for anyone who is mature enough to not act like a little kid. Lawlsuit holds contests from time to time, with a range of prizes from real money, to web hosting, or various other prizes, depending on what the site owner feels like giving that month.

25 Name: hh : 2011-09-23 01:56 ID:ZLATlGme [Del]


26 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-20 19:39 ID:Heaven [Del]

http://oekaki.pl/ The biggest and the best oekaki board so far (and the most visually appealing).
It's Polish, but you can speak English there, with polish users and other foreigners.

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