0chan.net is back (22)

1 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-11-02 07:56 ID:YoaCFzaQ [Del]


2 Name: Alexander!DxY0NCwFJg 2004-11-02 12:52 ID:NxpKf1dw [Del]

http://0chan.net/w/src/1099383491271.jpg (not toddlerkon ; )

Apparently it is.

3 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2004-11-02 15:04 ID:+TZy1XQA [Del]

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4 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2004-11-02 15:04 ID:+TZy1XQA [Del]

This thread is now for post ASCII art that celebrates the return of 0chan.

5 Name: Alexander!DxY0NCwFJg!!HuuwSo7Z 2004-11-02 15:12 ID:NxpKf1dw [Del]

Partition for this thread to contain the Angle of Zero Hour.

6 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2004-11-03 06:22 ID:cGLl//oQ [Del]

Would someone PLEASE explain to me the point of ASCII art when it's all in a proportional font and doesn't line up correctly? I speak not only of here but everywhere else too. It always comes out looking like a garbled mess with a random word besides it. Case in point: >>3 .

7 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-11-03 06:37 ID:9E3l4N8w [Del]

8 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2004-11-03 14:19 ID:9J4wn8/A [Del]

Or for even better results, use http://monafont.sourceforge.net/index-e.html

9 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-03 15:17 ID:Heaven [Del]

He didn't install Wakaba right away, though.

10 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2004-11-04 04:10 ID:YddPDQQQ [Del]

>>7 : I don't use IE or Windows, so that doesn't help any. Thanks anyway, though.

11 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-04 09:05 ID:Heaven [Del]


That particular image is one of the Firefox interface.

12 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2004-11-04 09:19 ID:YddPDQQQ [Del]

Yeah, I realized that after I posted. Still doesn't help any, though; I don't have FireFox either.

13 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-04 11:41 ID:Heaven [Del]


Hate to sound cynical but if you don't know how to change your browser's settings you should probably switch browsers or operating systems...

14 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2004-11-04 17:23 ID:oTAup70w [Del]

>>13 I do know how to change my browser's settings; the browser I'm using just doesn't have a setting like that, to select different fonts based on the language it's displaying. And, frankly, ASCII art isn't so important to me that I'll go fire up a whole other web browser just to check it out.

15 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-11-04 21:22 ID:nNE0NdHw [Del]

16 Name: Nathaniel Buzzbury 2004-11-05 23:33 ID:ma1suapw [Del]

what browser are you using?

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2004-11-06 09:59 ID:IDrGM7oQ [Del]

>>16: Safari. It's not very customizable, but its rendering engine is top-notch and it doesn't have that bloaty feel Mozilla-based browsers have, especially on the Mac.

19 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. 2004-11-07 18:38 ID:EkV2ah7A [Del]

Mona is perfectly readable for English, but there seem to be OS X rendering bugs when using it. None of the browsers will display 4chan's AA board correctly even in Mona, although 2ch works fine.

20 Name: Coach Outlet : 2012-07-24 16:41 ID:usLvBS4o [Del]

21 Name: Juicy Outlet : 2012-07-27 11:42 ID:svFIaAwn [Del]

22 Name: Jimmy Choo Shoes : 2012-08-16 06:31 ID:7l9DwsLC [Del]

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