2chan browsers (16)

1 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-10-30 05:08 ID:PKvvTL4w [Del]

Some of the Tochiakies use special browsers or plugins to browse 2chan and co.
Does someone know what are the features of these browsers?

2 Name: Anonymous 2004-10-30 06:02 ID:Heaven [Del]

"munada" (short for "post off-topic image in /7/")
"choaada" (short for "post Kim Il Jong in random thread on ascii art boards")

3 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-01 15:03 ID:Heaven [Del]


Why don't you install them and play around to find out?

4 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-03 19:39 ID:Heaven [Del]

You are talking about these, right?:


I think they are mainly needed to browse older archived threads on 2ch and the message boards on 2chan.

5 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-11-04 06:28 ID:Heaven [Del]

I see. Thanks.

6 Name: Anonymous 2004-12-04 11:12 ID:Heaven [Del]

Has anyone ever got one of these to work?

7 Name: Anonymous 2004-12-23 04:24 ID:Heaven [Del]


> Unfortunately, you need to register
> if you want to read the archives(we call ttem dat ochi).
> The user registration costs you &33.00 per year
> If you are interested, check below:
> http://2ch.tora3.net/
> http://www.nttcredit.com/tora3-2ch/bam-order-jp.cgi

So the browsers probably are just used as some sort of
RSS reader.

For more information, visit http://www.monazilla.org/

8 Post deleted by moderator.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2009-11-30 11:51 ID:Heaven [Del]

there are about 1000000000 of those 2ch browsers on the android market. which one is the best?

10 Post deleted by moderator.

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