IMG Board Scripts (502)

114 Name: Makoto!!QPpGvuVX : 2008-08-24 07:56 ID:Heaven [Del]


Thanks, I had some backup serverspace on another (free >.>) host that I'm using, but if I'm ever in a need of hosting again I'll make sure to hit you up.

I released v2.5 of suigintou, this is probably the only release that I actually could even consider endorsing using, as the others, well, are lacking in a lot of convenient functions. Things that I included in 2.5 like reflink parsing, noko, being able to post text only replies without having to tick an "omg I'm not posting an image" checkbox, auto-linking, no longer required passwords, name/e-mail field remembered by javascript cookies, etc. I'm currently shacking up over at and I hope they don't shaft me as well.


I'm going to agree with this guy to an extent. Rechan probably would've gotten a lot more activity if /code/ and /prog/ had recepted the threads better, but eh, what are you going to do?...except, try to do your best to get traffic flowing, I guess.

None the less, a completely POSIX compliant OS handed into the public domain does sound like an extremely interesting topic, at least for the moment, but that's besides the point entirely.

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