What's the Numbus story? (28, permasaged)

1 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-10-24 16:55 ID:qKAXBeFA [Del]

Checking 5chan.net, I get redirected to

2 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2004-10-24 17:01 ID:v4MVjWlg [Del]

Well, at least this makes the reason why HentaiKey offered to sponsor iichan more clear, if they lost 5chan.

3 Name: Squeeks!!eVE4GS8D 2004-10-24 17:23 ID:cRD1J5Lw [Del]

No iichan.
No 5chan.
4chan being flaky at times.


4 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-10-24 21:25 ID:Kl1k59aQ [Del]

from 0chan :
It seems 5chan has been hacked, from the looks of the 404 error adress."

Makes sense, as Numbus is hentaipalm's owner.

5 Name: Anonymous 2004-10-24 22:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

Numbus is also the name of one of their servers.

6 Name: Anonymous 2004-10-24 22:58 ID:Heaven [Del]


Anonymous 10/24/04(Sun)04:49 No.243339

it wasnt numbus, actually it was zab throwing a temper tantrum because numbus didnt fix his precious server fast enough, and it was something zab could have fixed on his own. but he didnt want to.

Basically 5chan's dead because zab got pssed at numbus, and they ad a fight on IRC.

5chan's better...how? (this is to the 5chan fanatics)

7 Name: Anonymous 2004-10-25 00:45 ID:Heaven [Del]

HentaiGroup: To all visitors of 5chan
Added by Numbus 24th of October 2004 13:37
Edited: (unknown) 24th of October 2004 13:37
To all visitors of 5chan

Today, I saw Zabadab had one of his periods again, and redirected the site to this extention. By doing so, it only proofs the sadness of his action.

Note the url everyone got redirected to:

So before everyone starts going insane.
Lets explain to you all what happend:

8 Name: Anonymous 2004-10-25 00:45 ID:Heaven [Del]

- The 5chan server (including my Forum server and Hentairo website server) crashed. And I was away that day, I was having a social life. And I know alot of you hentai surfers dont allow that we webmasters have social lifes.. but hey. I come back and find Zabadab bitching in all IRC channels I am in about how it was my fault the server down. And that I wasnt here to fix.

So I come back later at night, and find all this in my logs. I got pissed off, and kicked him out of the channel telling him not to bitch. Apperently he was stressed out the entire day, because he didn't have the proper access levels that he found it needed to kick ban me aswell. Which resulted for a deop in a couple of channels and a shitlist.

After that I took the liberty to reboot, and look at Zabadabs access level. As it seems the only thing needed was a server reboot, which Zabadab had the access level for. So in all he closed 5chan for an IRC fight. Something Zabadab has atleast 2x a week.

I thought you all might wanted to know this, before attacking me. And sending me bullshit hate mails (which I got already) for closing the site. I still contribute to the server, and I never suggested him to take 5chan offline. This is all his own doing. If he wants to continue he only has to redirect everyone to the proper page. If he wish to quit, so be it, I wont take any actions to delete 5chan from the server itself.

So for all the loyal 5chan visitors, I had indirectly nothing to do with the shut down of this site. We will all see when Zabadab gets of his stress period I guess.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask them at the irc.rizon.net IRC Server in the channels #doujin-world , #hentaipalm. If you want to see Zabadab ranting go to #5chan
Back up servers for Rizon are:


Numbus webmaster of Hentaipalm

9 Name: Anonymous 2004-10-25 00:46 ID:Heaven [Del]

HentaiGroup: News update about 5chan
Added by Barros 24th of October 2004 15:53
Edited: (unknown) 24th of October 2004 15:53
Okay, I spoke with Zabadab. And he decided to leave the Hentai stage for now. As owner of the domain and servers. I took the liberty to forward the 5chan.net domain to this site so everyone that is looking for the site itself can read here what happend.

Like I said, I am sad to say that Zabadab left the Hentai Scene for now. Perhaps we will see him again soon or later, perhaps he will be more lucky in the communities. I personally wish him the best.

- Numbus


10 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2004-10-25 01:15 ID:rJaFdsvw [Del]

So, how long until he'll try to come back again?

I give it three weeks.

11 Name: Lain!35BvXQN/3Y!!SamRUYTN 2004-10-25 01:21 ID:ZWgjcobQ [Del]

More like three days.

12 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-10-25 01:26 ID:Kl1k59aQ [Del]

It's nice to have a clear explanation this time.
Overall, boards have improved in their handling of -chan events.

13 Name: Anonymous 2004-10-25 01:26 ID:Heaven [Del]

I think it would be really good for his psyche if he just kept on posting as Anonymous on 4chan for now.

14 Name: Alexander!DxY0NCwFJg 2004-10-25 20:28 ID:8FM76g3Q [Del]

Maybe someone else should post as Zabadab on 4chan in order to prevent the real Zabadab from doing it?

15 Name: Augustus Fanhood 2004-10-25 20:33 ID:rkfPls/w [Del]

u guys = faggots

16 Name: dragonknight 2004-10-28 11:05 ID:c42oNqAw [Del]

wow..... more people that believe the hentai palm propaganda, I believe that zab was pushed out of 5chan by numbus, and I am not afriad to say this, look at HP's deep conection with hentiakey, and now they are talking on thier site about bringing 5chan back up without zab, yeah, probly as a pay site, it is more then obviouse what is going on here and you should all be ashamed of yourselfs for not relising

17 Name: Anonymous 2004-10-28 13:38 ID:Heaven [Del]

> wow..... more people that believe the hentai palm propaganda

Because there is simply no reason to believe elsewise, since we are not affirmatively emotionally attached to Zabadab like you seem to be.

18 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2004-10-28 14:15 ID:k2GOkHyA [Del]

There was SOMETHING going on behind the scenes, though. HentaiKey did give that offer to sponsor iichan just before all this happened. Of course, they may have just been anticipating all that and looking for something else to latch on to.

19 Name: Anonymous 2004-10-28 16:23 ID:Heaven [Del]

zOMG teh mystery!

20 Name: Gaysex!8NBuQ4l6uQ 2005-02-21 10:11 ID:IvdaFgf5 (Replies) [Del]


21 Name: sage 2005-02-21 17:03 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

this really sucks. 5chan was a really great website, mainly because of the specific categories... Anyone who wanted futanari had their own section, anyone who wanted guro had their own section, anyon who wanted loli had their own section, etc. and so forth. 5chan was truly better than 4chan because of its diversity. this hentaipalm is bullshit. paysites are bullshit. 5chan was great because offered you a way to register on the site using completely bullshit email so you wouldn't have to get your personal ones spammed. i really miss 5chan. i look at 4chan daily, but it's not nearly a cool as 5chan.

22 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2005-02-21 19:13 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

Sage for bumping of dead thread and possible flamewar incitement.

23 Name: Anonymous 2005-03-10 05:53 ID:Heaven [Del]

lol what

24 Name: Anonymous 2005-03-10 11:58 ID:Heaven [Del]

request for permasage

25 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-03-10 13:03 ID:sI2etSwA [Del]

Sigh, might as well.

26 Name: Anonymous 2005-03-31 20:54 ID:fv5JbW83 [Del]

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27 Name: mysterie : 2007-10-23 15:10 ID:4ShMcUHN [Del]

hmmmm, found this thread while searching for something else... thought I would post in it for nostalgia's sake, I miss 5chan... also I was such a fag back then... damn it >>16

28 Name: Anonymous : 2010-04-10 05:24 ID:ZZhB0Cj6 [Del]

3 years later...

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