Do you guys know if its licensed? I don't think so. Then, would anybody know where I can download it? I really want the music, but can't afford it and it isn't possible at all to get it out of Japan.
- newgohan
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Its always possible to get Japanese CDs outside of Japan, you just have to check online stores and such.
- Zelmel
Sunday, March 21, 2004
I am a little confused about the soundtrack titles. Is this the Original OST or something else?
Then there is the soundtrack called "Best"
Which of these titles listsed in the CDJapan website are the CD you are after?
On a related note, I tried recently to obtain YKK DVDs. All I came up with was one of the three DVDs at
This is apparantly the middle DVD of the three. CDJapan wants $52 (plus shipping) for the third DVD. That is a bit steep. The first appears to be unavailable in the used market.
Can anyone help me find affordable copies of the other two? I wanted to get the originals instead of fansubs. But if I can not get them, I will go for the fan subs.
- Loran
Monday, March 22, 2004
Jezus, what prices!
I can't afford that!
Well, keep on hoping that someday there'll be a website where I can download the soundtrack..
- newgohan
Thursday, March 25, 2004
I got the soundtrack, via some great dude called WildMageKN!
I'm uploading it right now to my host so you guys can enjoy the soundtrack too!
Here are the links: KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 01 - Cafe' Alpha (Main Theme).mp3 KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 02 - Yuunagi no Jiday.mp3 KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 03 - Natsu no Kodomo.mp3 KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 04 - Musashino Kuni Ryojoh.mp3 KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 05 - A7M2 Gata Shisakuki no Yuuutsu.mp3 KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 06 - Gas Station Blues.mp3 KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 07 - Tour de YOKOHAMA.mp3
These are all at the moment.. THe OST consists of 16 tracks.. I'll post the rest sometime..
- newgohan
Tuesday, April 6, 2004
Yeah, except I'm a girl. ^_^ It was nice talking to ya, dude. I'd help host, but I have like..3 MB on my webspace.
- Carn
Tuesday, April 6, 2004
Like others, I was also put off by the high price of the OST and I have been waiting for it to become available on other means--like this! Just want to say thank you for making these available to us. That was very kind of you. I am looking forward to the others if you put them up at some point.
BTW, the second track doesn't seem to work--I got a 404 error when I tried it. But no big deal.
thanks again
- Ian Darrow
Tuesday, April 6, 2004
Here's my Yahoo! Briefcase, with the YKK Quiet Country Cafe OST uploaded to it.[email protected]
If you have a Yahoo! email address and want the YKK soundtrack, give me your ID and I'll add it to the access list. Right now, it's set to Friends-only view, so you probably won't see anything.
I'm not sure why my files are uploading with ++s in the name..probably because of the spaces. -_-;; Also, stupid Yahoo! wouldn't let me upload files with names longer than 64 charas, so I had to cut them down. Here are the full names, if you'd like them. This is so you can edit the file names after you finish downloading by copying and pasting the full title.
YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 01 - Cafe' Alpha (Main Theme)
YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 02 - Yuunagi no Jidai
YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 03 - Natsu no Kodomo
YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 04 - Musashino Kuni Ryojoh
YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 05 - A7M2 Gata Shisakuki no Yuuutsu
YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 06 - Gas Station Blues
YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 07 - Tour de YOKOHAMA
YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 08 - Fuuka .Tokino Kishibe Nite...'
YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 09 - AT-6 'TEXAN'
YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 10 - 'Cafe Alpha (Main Theme)' Orchestration
YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 11 - 'Natsu no Kodomo' Orchestration
YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 12 - 'Musashino Kuni Ryojoh' Orchestration
YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 13 - 'Yuunagi no Jidai' Orchestration
YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 14 - Fuwa Fura
YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 15 - 'Cafe Alpha (Main Theme)' Kuchibue
YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 16 - Tsuki no Koto
So let me know if you want me to add you to the list, and if you have any problems, please let me know. ^_^ If you don't have a Yahoo! account, we'll work something else out.
- Carn
Tuesday, April 6, 2004
Carn's uploads were perfect. Now I have the OST on my computer and I'm probably going to drive my roommates nuts playing it over and over now! Yahoo accounts are free and spam-free, so if you are desperate for the OST and can't afford to buy it yet, contact Carn. She's nice.
- Ian Darrow
Tuesday, April 6, 2004
Just to say the link to the second file in the list is wrong. It should be: KAIDASHI KIKOU Quiet Country Cafe - 02 - Yuunagi no Jidai.mp3
(Note it's Jidai, not Jiday).
- Comalies
Thursday, April 8, 2004
They aren't that expensive. Relatively to some Asian CD's ranging from 10-50 dollars.
Hm, why not utilize file sharing protocals? (eg: Bit torrent, Emule) I know the legalities and such, but there isn't a market for YKK outside of Japan, yet.
Heck, I might just do that...
- royalfool
Thursday, April 8, 2004
I really would like to get my hands on a copy of the OST for the original OVA. The posted links are for the second OVA (Quiet Country Cafe). I actually ordered this from CDJapan and I must say I'm very impressed. I'd like to get the OST for the first series as well.
The music is very calming and relaxing. It's great background music for reading, studying, and fragging things to tiny bits in UT2k4. It's sort of freakish really...
I'm almost tempted to orde one of the DVDs for the second OVA since it contains a dedicated 5.1 audio track for the score. I'm not picky about my music... no, not it all...
If anyone gets their hands on the first OST and wouldn't mind sharing, let me know!
- kawaiiguy
Wednesday, June 9, 2004
The OST for the 1st YKK OAV is by a group called GONTITI (pronounced gonchichi). It's called Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou Best Soundtracks.
Catalog No.: SVWC-7147
Price: 2000 yen
CD Japan has it on their website.,mint,with_comments)/detailview.html?KEY=SVWC-7147
- Chris Keck
Thursday, June 17, 2004
I almost forgot. The 1st YKK OAV OST can be downloaded from the Best Anime website. The files are adequite quality WMA. There are 14 files.
- Chris Keck
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Wow, thanks! I got the Quiet Country Cafe OST off CDJapan. I may get the first OST as well... more fragging music :D
- kawaiiguy
Friday, June 18, 2004
Then, what about drama CDs?
- Cornel
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
> Then, what about drama CDs?
They're only for extreme fans (that's us, right?). In a sense, they certainly capture the feel of YKK and follow the manga almost verbatim (they're mostly compilations of radio shows various seiyuu do over time).
dDave has done a review of the first drama CD on the forum at :
- PC
Thursday, June 24, 2004
hey Carn if the brief case is still hosting YKK ost, please allow access for Fatalforce please
- AltF4
Sunday, June 27, 2004
Erf..I was just checking this topic because I was copying and pasting the URL for someone who wanted the OST. AltF4, did you get it yet? Unless you emailed me, I didn't add you..I'm sorry for not noticing your request earlier. ^^;;
- Carn
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Hi Carn, just emailed you about being added to your briefcase list for the OST. Can I be added too? Thanks for hosting these by the way...such a great soundtrack.
Yahoo: kobuta05
- Yan
Monday, October 11, 2004
Sorry for bumping this up, but I added everyone that emailed me/wrote on the board. (and AltF4). Sorry for the delay. ^^:
- Carn
Monday, October 11, 2004
^____^ Thank you Carn!!
( i dont mind the wait)
- AltF4
Monday, October 18, 2004
Does anyone have the sheet music for the main theme by chance? I'd like to see if I can play it.
- nari
Wednesday, March 2, 2005
After a rigorous Google search session, I can't locate any Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou sheet music by Shiina Hekiru via English or Japanese searches. I figured out the first few measures of the melody on my piano, but transcribing the entire Main Theme for piano would be quite the task, given I have no formal musical training.
The best solution I could think of to get a hold of who has the sheet music would be to write the artist of the soundtrack itself. A daring move, I must say.
- baltakatei
Wednesday, March 2, 2005
I just remembered that I found torrents for both albums. They were put up a few weeks ago, so I'm not sure if there are still seeds. More info here:
- kawaiiguy
Friday, March 4, 2005
Waa~ T_T I see no seeds there... but I shall remain viligant these next few weeks. Perhaps there may perchance be someone... someday...
- baltakatei
Friday, March 4, 2005
If you Google for "anime sheet music" you'll find websites
of people who transcribe anime tunes, produce sheet music,
and share it freely. Some of these people take 'requests',
or 'suggestions'. Some will take commisions as well - I
recall paying one such person a modest fee for a transcription
of some songs from Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar, to keep my
daughter interested in piano lessons.
A little googling, and asking nicely, and I'm pretty sure
sheet music for the songs you like could be arranged.
- Derek
Friday, March 4, 2005
<i>If you Google for "anime sheet music" you'll find websites of people who transcribe anime tunes, produce sheet music, and share it freely.</i>
I used to do that, actually. I only ever completed a few (wow, I made that page when Fruits Basket was new?). My ear isn't really good enough for anything too complicated, unfortunately.
I don't have a piano at my house now, however, if people really are interested (and can send me the songs in question!) I'll grab my old midi keyboard from my parents' house and have a stab at it...
- Flamebyrd
Saturday, March 5, 2005
Konnichiwa mina,
I just came across a "new" torrent on hongfire for the ykk ost :
- archess
Sunday, March 27, 2005
That is not new in any sense of the word my fine sir! Curse you for raising my hopes for I have been looking for that original sound track for quite some time GOOD DAY TO YOU.
- anonymous
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Whoah calm down dude. I think the "new" was meant to imply a torrent that hadn't been seen by the poster before. Just because you couldn't find what you were looking for there doesn't mean you should get mad at someone who's trying to share it with the rest of us.
- Christine K.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Whoa, be calm; It sounds like he's just being silly. Though I've been looking for the OST for a while too and am sorely disappointed it's not up/functioning. Oh well. :(
- Martin Random
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Duuude. =\ The peers on that torrent have 99.3% of the files complete. That means that just one song is slightly incomplete (94.4% is done!) That's 13 other songs of YKK music goodness.
As for myself, I'm really happy that archess posted the torrent link (which is only a little more than a month old) and I've been enjoying this soundtrack.
- Carn
Sunday, March 27, 2005
I'm currently downloading the "best sounds", unfortunately I came very late ^_^' so there's only 2 seeder left I think.
Anyway thank to Archess for posting it, since I haven't got YKK - best sounds.
- Kuswardhana
Monday, March 28, 2005
I have best sounds but only half the tracks in the other, more laid back OST. I cannot find them anywhere. :(
- Martin Random
Monday, March 28, 2005
Just wont to let you know that both torrent are at 100% now.
If they run out of seeder again, let me know and a will seed them for you.
Haw a nice day.
- John_Silver
Monday, March 28, 2005
Anywhere currently available to d/l the Quiet Country Cafe soundtrack? I've got the first CD, but I really like the one song from the second pair of episodes. (The theme song, as it were)
- Maxim
Monday, April 18, 2005
Could I request a reseed? I really want this OST... =/ I love the relaxed style of the music so much...
- Talbain
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Reseeding both album.
Haw a nice day.
- John_Silver
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
I hate to ask, but could you provide a link to the torrents? I can't seem to find any that have seeders...
- Talbain
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
I haw uploaded the torrent on to a new tracker, this way a can keep an eye on them.
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou - Best Sounds
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou - Quiet Country Cafe OST
This tracker are overloaded so it can take some time before you are conected, just wait and you will get conected.
Haw a nice day.
- John_Silver
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Sorry John Silver. The torrents cannot be used because they seem to be corrupted. It says invalid torrent file everytime I try to use the torrent.
- painsama
Thursday, May 12, 2005
There seem to be some mysql error messages stuck on the beginning, but if I skip the first 476 bytes I get what look like valid torrent files.
Unfortunately, the tracker seems to be offline right now.
- Smarasderagd
Friday, May 13, 2005
Whoops, no, there it is again.
- Smarsaderagd
Friday, May 13, 2005
Sorry for that, but it's links to the site where the torrents are.
Click on "Ladda ner denna .torrent" to get the torrent-files.
And yes the site is a "little" bit overloaded, over 1.000.000 different visitor each day, and that is only people that browser the web pages.
Haw a nice day.
- John_Silver
Friday, May 13, 2005
John Silver, you kick *ss. I never would have been able to find those OST's without you. Thank you very much. :)
Totally made my day. Woo hoo!!
- Steve Berry
Saturday, July 2, 2005
Anyone mind to seed the torrent at piratebay again?
Thank you.
- Koek Wei Chew
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
"Anyone mind to seed the torrent at piratebay again? "
Just go and download them. I am checking them 3-4 time a day if there are some one that wont them.
Haw a nice day.
- John_Silver
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
for those who are still looking for the 2 albums,
i have uploaded them on a free file hosting service.
You can find the links on the forums under the Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou section.
*inserting shameless plug*
files are in mp3 format.
The links from HongFire are already dead.
I deleted them since i cannot seed them anymore.
- Lisa Hayes
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Currently listening to the YKK Best Sounds album. I'm not saying Choro Club did a bad job but in my opinion, Gontiti's music seems to be more accurate in portraying the overall mood of the series. Besides that, I like the fact that the Best Sounds album contains more vocal tracks compared to the Quiet Country Cafe album which only has one track (Fuwa Fura).
I dunno if it's just me but it seems that track #7 (Humming to the Moon) is based on Chapter 17 (Waves) of the manga. It's hinted in the title itself. "Humming to the Moon" could refer to Kokone humming along as Alpha plays the getsukin (the "moon zither"). It's undoubtably my favorite YKK song.
- Jonathan
Thursday, October 12, 2006
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