YKK Forum

A Few YKK Questions

As I have mentionedin another thread I am attempting to put together what could be one of the first YKK fansites. In order to properly do it justice there are a few questions I have that I hope somebody can give the answers to.

1. What is Takahiro's age at the begining of the series, when Alpha leaves for her trip, and when he leaves for school?

2. How much time passed between the time Kokone learned from Ojisan Alpha left on her trip and the time she comes to the cafe after Alpha finishes rebuilding?

3. Is it just the female robots that have the purple or green hair or do males like Nai have that haircolor too?

4. Finally I've seen a Korean YKK fan site with fan art depicitng Maruko as having some shade of green hair. Is this her correct haircolor or does she have another haircolor?

Any answers anyone can give will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

- Christine K
Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Hi Christine;

I *think* these answers are right, but I am sure that dDave or Neil will correct them if they are not;

1. What is Takahiro's age at the begining of the series, when Alpha leaves for her trip, and when he leaves for school?

He was 10 at the beginning and 16 when he leaves for school, I think. Which means the story is not really happening in "real time" so to speak. Neil? Dave? Corrections?

2. How much time passed between the time Kokone learned from Ojisan Alpha left on her trip and the time she comes to the cafe after Alpha finishes rebuilding?

Alpha was gone roughly a year, I gather. But she finished rebuilding quite some time after she came back--about another year?

3. Is it just the female robots that have the purple or green hair or do males like Nai have that haircolor too?

There is a whole debate about this, but if you can take the anime OVAs as right, then Nai doesn't have the green or purple hair--his is kind of orange/rust coloured.

4. Finally I've seen a Korean YKK fan site with fan art depicitng Maruko as having some shade of green hair. Is this her correct haircolor or does she have another haircolor?

Now I am really out of my league. I *think* there is a colour plate for a chapter title that has Maruko walking away from the viewer, but I am sorry--I can't remember which one. OTOH, I wouldn't be surprised to find that Maruko colours her hair.

- Ian Darrow
Tuesday, March 16, 2004


>He was 10 at the beginning and 16 when he leaves for school, I think. Which means the story is not really happening in "real time" so to speak. Neil? Dave? Corrections?

Lemme research and get back to you. Sounds about right, though.

> but if you can take the anime OVAs as right, then Nai doesn't have the green or purple hair--his is kind of orange/rust coloured.

I believe you can take the OVAs as canon. Ashinano was definitely involved in approving character design.

>I *think* there is a colour plate for a chapter title that has Maruko walking away from the viewer,

The only color picture of Maruko that I know of (I don't have the art book) is the cover of volume 7. Her hair is a brownish color.




- dDave
Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Thanks guys that helps out a bunch. So I guess then Takahiro leaving for school occurs in the same year as the Tapon leaving the Northern Hemispher. And if that assumption is correct then six years have occured since the first time the Tapon is shown and the time it leaves.

- Christine K
Tuesday, March 16, 2004

I just had another question come to mind. Did Alpha and Kokone see each other between the time Alpha returned home and the time Maruko brought Kokone to the Cafe?

- Christine K
Tuesday, March 16, 2004


Yes, at least once. They met at Sensei's house, and Kokone followed Alpha back to Alpha's home. See chapter 83 and 84.



- dDave
Tuesday, March 16, 2004

If Kokone comes to visit and finds Makki hanging out at the cafe, will she be jealous?

- Loran
Tuesday, March 16, 2004

> If Kokone comes to visit and finds Makki hanging out at
> the cafe, will she be jealous?

Personally, I can't begin to imagine Kokone *acting* jealous and I don't think she would *be* jealous of Makki, or in fact of anyone that Alpha knew. The feeling I get is that Kokone is happy just to know Alpha and spend time with her whenever she can.

This is all speculation, but if Kokone acts strangely around Makki in that situation, it might be because Alpha told her about Makki's jealousy, or that Makki is jealous or suspicious of Kokone. </spec>

Maruko, as we all know, is another story. ^_^

- Ian Darrow
Tuesday, March 16, 2004


Kokone seemed to be delighted to meet Takahiro, so I would imagine that the same applies to Makki.

Given Alpha's reaction to Makki's jealousy, my guess is that robots probably have a different view of relationships with humans than with other robots. Simply stemming from the difference in aging.



- dDave
Tuesday, March 16, 2004

While working on my site I had yet another question come to mind. Does anyone know how much time has passed between the first two deliveries Kokone makes? She makes the comment in Volume 5 that her delivery to Maruko is the first one she's had since the delivery to Alpha.

- Christine K
Thursday, March 18, 2004


It's the first "Direct contact" or mouth-to-mouth message that she's delivered since Alpha's. But I assume she make regular deliveries of small parcels all the time.

Don't know about the time frame. Will research.



- dDave
Thursday, March 18, 2004

Nai appears in color in the manga: http://ykk.misago.org/Volume8/42

- Hekima
Sunday, March 21, 2004

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