YKK Forum

Differences in translation


I have the complete set (to date) of the manga, and I read them in Japanese first. Recently I have started reading the English translations here, and have noticed a couple areas where I would have translated things a bit differently.

Just wondering if Neil is interested in discussing these differences, as they sometimes change the nuance of certain scenes. If the answer is no, I can understand completely.

Just for the record, I am appreciative and impressed by the translations so far, and hope Neil's efforts continue to attract new readers to the series.



- dDave
Wednesday, April 23, 2003

I'll happily discuss any points of translation that you want to ask me about. I deliberately don't read other translations of the series, since I prefer to work without outside influences, but feel free bring up specific differences between my translation and any others.

It's entirely possible (probable, even) that some differences are due to errors on my part. I'm not fluent in Japanese, and I'm certain there are uncorrected mistakes here.

- dn
Wednesday, April 23, 2003


I've never read any other translation but yours. I just have come across some dialog in your translation that doesn't match the Japanese as I remember it.

I'll start jotting notes down as I read through.



- dDave
Wednesday, April 23, 2003


Well time seems to flow as slowly for me as for Alpha. I was meaning to do this earlier but....

Here are some comments on Vol 1. Page numbers are as per your scans.

Page 30, panel 4: I would read it as "This type's pretty unusual, normally folks carry that kind, or somethin' "

Page 62, panel 2. I think the last words are spoken by Alpha, not Takahiro. Taka doesn't get the urgency of the matter until Makki enters the picture. My take is that Alpha is saying this to herself.

Page 92, panel 4. I believe sensei is say "You're worried that the finish is peeling."

Page 113, panel 4. Ojisan is scolding the other guy "It's cause ya made her drink two cups!"

Page 118, panel 3. Alpha is surprised Taka is so early, but tries to be polite at first "A little. Actually, a lot."

Page 120, panel 1. Kono yaro would be more like "You brat" here.

Just some things I noticed while going through your scans. If this isn't too annoying, I'll do the other volumes too.

Let me say again I like your work, and am glad that YKK is getting a broader audience through your efforts.



- dDave
Tuesday, June 10, 2003

I agree with pretty much all of your corrections.

I'm not certain that "peeling" is the right translation for "arai" [v1, p92]; my dictionaries suggest "rough" or "coarse", which seems to fit the images a bit better.

I remember being puzzled by several of these when I first translated them.

Thank you for catching these mistakes; I'll have to go back and fix them now! I'd be most interested to hear of any corrections you can find for the other volumes.

- dn
Saturday, June 28, 2003


Thanks for your gracious reply. I will slowly do the same thing for the other volumes as well. I am looking forward to discussing the translation process with you.



- dDave
Saturday, June 28, 2003

If you are interested, I did find translations of Volumes 1-7 on the Internet quite a while ago (unfortunately, I have forgotten the author or where I got them from, as the site disappeared a while ago).

I can send these if you like - I think they are the same as the MangaProject ones (or they used them to generate their version), however, but I haven't the full series to compare comprehensively.

- PC
Sunday, June 29, 2003

If you mean the texttranslations by Andrew Cunningham, then they're up to vol.10 by now and may easily be found by searching for them at groups.google.com in rec.arts.manga.

I checked a couple of volumes and those are not identical to mangaproject's translation.


- Althalus
Sunday, June 29, 2003

Thanks - I had a quick look, they are identical (minus formatting), or an slightly earlier version except for the fact that Andrew's credits translating them are omitted for whatever reason, it is good that I can link them back together, though!

- PC
Sunday, June 29, 2003

Volume 1 fixes now applied. Thanks again for the corrections!

- dn
Tuesday, July 1, 2003

Volume 1 translation in zipped archive "ykk_v1.zip" has not been updated.

Aren't you going to update "Hasseno" to "Hatsuseno"?

I'd like to make some translation notes (like Dave did). Can I put them here?

- kGo
Wednesday, March 3, 2004


I would suggest you either start a new topic per volume, or add your comments to the comment threads I created earlier.



- dDave
Thursday, March 4, 2004

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