YKK Forum

Does Owner have to be a robot?

I was wondering if Owner has to be a robot since s/he sent a message to alpha via ... well, you all know how it was sent. *^_^*


- Kempis Curious
Wednesday, February 18, 2004


Given the old fashioned/erudite way that Owner speaks (in Japanese, anyways), and given the way s/he seems to be known/respected in the world at large, I have always assumed that Owner is human.

If so, that means that there must be some sort of interface to input impressions/messages/thoughts into Kokone. Remember, Kokone doesn't know the contents of the messages she transfers. Also, she can carry both messages (such as from owner) and photos (such as from Nai).

The real question in my mind is can all the robots carry and transmit information in this fashion? I also wonder at how common this form of communication is. Alpha, Kokone, Nai and Maruko have all used it.



- dDave
Wednesday, February 18, 2004

We know that Sensei made a recording when piloting the craft and we saw a connection to her mouth. If she is human then also Owner can be human. Strictly speaking though we do not know if that recording is exactly as the ones Alpha receives, I am just guessing both are of the same nature.

We do know then that humans cannot read back the recordings, Alpha told Ojisan that when he asked about the pictures she recorded.

- C_P
Thursday, February 19, 2004

I wonder if it's not that humans can't read back the recordings, it's that the technology (dDave's interface) isn't available. Presumably such interfaces would have been at the robot training institute and where they were created. I'm curious as to whether those places still exist.

- The Other Dave
Thursday, February 19, 2004

Bummer, another beautiful hypothesis slain by an ugly fact. : ( I had forgotten about the interface that Sensei used.

Also, Nai's sending the pictures to Maruko means there's probably some interface between his camera (or his local memory if his cheaper camera has none) and Kokone's delivery service.

Without such interface she would have had to meet Nai, and probably would have mentioned that to Alpha.


- Kempis Curious
Thursday, February 26, 2004

There's another reason to believe Owner is a human: In the third chapter, when Alpha talks about the Misago, she says that Owner told her all about it. He had seen the Misago many years ago. Since she only shows herself to children, that must mean Owner is a human.

- martialstax
Tuesday, March 2, 2004


Which is a point in favor of Misago not being a robot. Misago predates the A7 series, at least.



- dDave
Tuesday, March 2, 2004

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