YKK Forum

News: YKK forums on Pander


My web host's server seems to have gone down, taking the pander.us YKK forums with it. I already have an alternative host in place. As soon I am able, I will move the forums to the new host.



- dDave
Monday, February 13, 2006

Ah I was wondering if something had happened Dave. Good to know you're on top of things.

- Christine K.
Monday, February 13, 2006

It's up again!!!

- painsama
Monday, February 13, 2006


The OS on the host server melted down and had to be re-installed. At some point during the next few days, I will be backing up everything and moving Pander.us to a new host. The forum may be down a day or two to allow for DNS propogation, but the new host has much more robust service.



- dDave
Monday, February 13, 2006

On that subject, could you *please* enable guest posting? There's nothing more annoying than how ever single forum on the internet thinks it's completely OK to annoy users into having to jump through hoops and giving up their email address just to post.

It's silly, and there's no real benefit to the forum (except if you're harvesting email addresses or something).

I guess it would be too much to ask for a more readable layout and turning off annoying distractions like avatars and signatures, though.

- WAHa.06x36
Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I've turned on guest posting. Test it and let me know if I've flipped the right switches.



- dDave
Tuesday, February 14, 2006


It's begun. The forum is working fine on the new webhost. We just have to wait for the DNS change to catch up.



- dDave
Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Update: somehow I updated only one of the new DNS server IP address, but you need two valid DNS servers for the domain to go live. Working to correct this, but It's going to take a couple more days.



- dDave
Thursday, February 16, 2006

Thankfully we still have absent Owner's forum to help us keep up with the server drama. I hope it's not too much trouble for you, dDave.

- martialstax
Sunday, February 19, 2006

Thank you so much for working on this, Ddave. I'm assuming this is not something anybody can help you with. Clearly, let us know if this is not true.

- outsideking
Sunday, February 19, 2006


Thanks, but it's just a waiting game at this point. Nothing I can do either. Basically, I blew it. I changed the DNS servers (improperly) and then turned around and changed registrars. So now I can't correct the DNS server error till the transfer is complete.

Should be all done by early next week.



- dDave
Sunday, February 19, 2006

Actually there is a quick fix: give us the hostname and IPnumber and we can add it to the hosts file. Even WinXP has a hosts-file that can be used for this, as well as blocking advertisements.

The assumption here is that you have a fixed IPnumber.

- C_P
Monday, February 20, 2006


Update: domain has been successfully transferred, and I have correctly set the nameservers. You should be able to access the forum soon at:


The DNS is already working correctly for me, so it should spread to the furthest reaches of the web within the next 48 hours at most.



- dDave
Monday, February 20, 2006

Somehow I cant connect to pander today :(

- tongHoAnh
Wednesday, March 15, 2006


As of noon, PST, it's working for me. I hope that the problem has cleared up for you.



- dDave
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

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