For those of you who go on over to livejournal I have a community on there where I post all my YKK related graphics. Also, in that community is my claim to a challenge to do 100 Alpha Hasseno journal icons. I post more than YKK stuff in there but most of the the time it's devoted to YKK.
100 Alpha Icons:
Take a look from there time to time and see what I'm up to with my graphics. You're more than welcome to use them for your own journals and blogs and webistes as long as you don't directly link to the graphics. Do not claim anything found on there as your own work. Any wallpapers are free for the taking for your desktop enjoyment.
Thank you
- Christine K
Monday, September 19, 2005
Thanks! One can never have too many YKK icons...
- Kerry
Monday, September 19, 2005
Wow, two new YKK sites in the same week!
You really have some lovely icons there. Thanks for sharing!
- Silverback
Monday, September 19, 2005
Thanks, I took one of your icons for my journal.
- 莫囂圓隣
Monday, September 19, 2005
Ye be borededness?
That's cool,at least more than what I can do...
- Ryo Hakusho
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Made some new icons. I have some from chapter 134 and other chapters. I actually have some Director Alpha finally. One icon I realized became a puberty icon thanks to the discussion on the Sasage meaning. So take a look and enjoy.
- Christine K.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Inspired by Christine's excellent Alpha avatars, I've started working on some of my own. But I'm going with Makki. I've got ten of them so far, all from chapter 133:
I'm thinking of scrapping #5, but #4 makes me laugh out loud. It's screaming for a caption.
- martialstax
Monday, September 26, 2005
Those are great! :)
#4 is hilarious, #1 is possibly my favorite. or #6, hard to pick!
- Silverback
Thursday, September 29, 2005
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