It seems not even the elves are immune to cheesecake. One of them left a slice over at:
Make sure to thank those elves.
- dDave
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Holy cow, the elves have a faster episode turnaround than the guys that are pumping out episodes of South Park!
I am preparing to build a shrine in the corner of my home to honor the great elves...
- Glen Hwang
Sunday, September 11, 2005
dDave, the to chapter 133 is not there on the site.
- painsama
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Try refreshing your browser, you may have an old page in your cache. Chapter 133 is there, and I can see it in my browser.
- dDave
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Beautiful job on the scans here... seems like some elf was really enjoying his work! :D
Thanks again Elves!
- Darin~
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Glen shall now deem chapter 133 to hold the title for "Best Sex Appeal, Elegant Class."
I wouldn't know what to do should I ever arrive at the beach and see such a wonderful scene.
- Glen Hwang
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Though I already read the chapter 133 (uh sorry I cheated by skipping to 133 before reading 130-132, thanks to chapter 133 thread), it is always proper to honor our great elves with a big THANKS.
- painsama
Sunday, September 11, 2005
This one right here:
This is what I was talking about. I've never seen Makki like this before. She's gorgeous.
Elves, you've done yeoman's work getting caught up, and we're all very happy readers right now. Thank you for the hard work.
- martialstax
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Wooooo! Way to go, elves!
- El Gonzo
Sunday, September 11, 2005
First time posting here... probably. Much appreciation for the elves.
I'm curious though about the title. Shouldn't it be "We became fish."? Unless they're getting the time from somewhere else.
- taiki
Sunday, September 11, 2005
I started a small thread on another forum I belong to in order to let the converts over there when new chapters are up. After reading 133 I went straight to that little thread and posted the following.
"Ah September when summer turns into fall, children head back to school, the pools close, and manga-ka all over Japan give us Cheesecake. This month Ashinano brings us the cheesecake chapter. And no this isn't about Alpha trying to eat Dairy again this is babes in bikinis and swinsuits. Drool on over to today and see who's wearing what to the beach."
Yes Makki and Maruko are definately drool worthy in their bikinis. Of course Alpha and Kokone are as cute as ever in their suits. Looks like Alpha got a number that's similar to the one we first saw her in that has more of a back to it. I like how Ashinano shows the relationship has changed between Makki and the robots. She uses proper and formal speech around them showing that they've become respected elders in the work and social environment. I like seeing all the ladies of YKK together in one chapter.
- Christine K.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
>I'm curious though about the title. Shouldn't it be "We became fish."?
That's just text the editors threw in. They normally make an inane comment on the splash page, and again on one of the first couple pages. Since it's not text from Ashinano-sensei, the elves ignore it.
You can tell which text is which when the tankobon volumes come out. All the editorial text is removed, and only Ashinano-sensei's words remain.
- dDave
Monday, September 12, 2005
Thank you again elves!
But page 4,"neither one of them is normal..."
I get why she says that about Alpha, she's a robot.
- But I don't get how it refers to Makki. Is it just a figure of speech or have I missed something?
- outsideking
Monday, September 12, 2005
>>I'm curious though about the title. Shouldn't it be "We became fish."?
>That's just text the editors threw in.
Yeah, there's also some extra text the editors at Afternoon added about "Robots x 3 , Human x 1."
- martialstax
Monday, September 12, 2005
I'm with martialstax, Makki is stunning in that frame!
outsideking, I don't think she meant that literally :)
Thank you elves!
- Brad
Monday, September 12, 2005
And Me, Brad! ...martialstax, you and I have the same taste in women of manga... ;)
I kept looking at that frame and thinking that Ashinano has perfectly captured the essence of a cute young girl becoming a beautiful woman. Not overtly sexy in anyway, she simply exudes natural attraction from the frame. something about the light in her eyes. It just goes to show that its not really all about the body type... Maurko, floating next to her definately has the proportions that typically "men lust after", but the simple inherent goodness of Makki in this episode lifts off the pages, even as she is surrounded by three women "engineered" to be attractive.
Its such a joy reading how Ashinano handles this situation... allowing us to see her character grow up like this. Its like watching that girl you've always been friends with suddenly blossom over the magical last summer of school before you all graduate.
I am curious though... Makki seems upset at someone or something on the cover page. Alpha and Kokone seem bemused, while Maruko seems surprised as Makki glares... I wonder what happened? Is this before the swim or after? Hmmm... :p
Another chapter confirming what a wonderful Mangaka Ashinano is on so many levels...
- Darin~
Monday, September 12, 2005
I wonder what Takahiro would say if he could see Makki now.
- martialstax
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
>>I wonder what Takahiro would say if he could see Makki now.<<
Probably the wrong thing... Boys mature later than girls... ;) :D
- Darin~
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Most likely if Taka pop up, he will get attracted by either Kokone or Alpha first, ignoring Makki.
Sorry, couldnt resist :)
- tongHoAnh
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
I'm pretty sure Taka's jaw would be hitting the ground. Our lovely robots look like they always did, but Makki...
- Brad
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
First Kokone's scooter gets a stronger "AH!" inducing motor, and now this chapter comes along! O_O Ashinano-sensei must be in a really good mood! ^_^ Maybe he got a new girlfriend or something.
Not that I'm complaining! We've got the mature, full-figured Maruko and the nubile, young Makki... Yawza wowzas!
I mean... um... did anyone notice Alpha's swimsuit doesn't have the cute tail thingie anymore? I thought that was kinda neat earlier.
BAH! Who cares? Bikinis!!!!! \^o^/ Banzai!!!
- Kempis Curious
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
This is the best one ever!!!
In other inane ramblings,the chapter so for is up to 134,right?
After we get scans of that,does this mean we'll have to start waiting?
- Ryo Hakusho
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
>does this mean we'll have to start waiting?
- dDave
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
I guess that means the elves can get some well earned rest :)
- Brad
Thursday, September 15, 2005
This is a swimsuit episode in the YKK mold, indeed. I agree with everyone else about that great picture of Makki. I think the look she seems to be giving Maruko on the first page may be an unintentional effect due to the intersection of the hair and eyebrow lines; without the hair line it looks more inquiring than disapproving.
I've been thinking for some time that this and other pure slice-of-life episodes remind me of parts (certainly not all) of Kim Stanley Robinson's novella, "A Short, Sharp, Shock", particularly the chapter "Pure Duration", dealing with the anonymous main character's idyll with a woman he meets in the strange world of the story, who is incidentally a "swimmer", being more aquatic than terrestrial.
Many thanks once again to the elves!
- Smarasderagd
Thursday, September 15, 2005
I've made an avatar of Makki using that image of her from this chapter.
I also have avatars of Alpha, Maruko and Kokone.
Help yourself if you like them.
- martialstax
Friday, September 16, 2005
Wow, those are very nice Avatars! I may indeed use one (Alpha of course) sometime soon. ^_^
Next I need to figure out where/how to host an Avatar. I have never done that before...
- Silverback
Friday, September 16, 2005
Depends on the forums you go to really as to whether or not you can use certain avatars. Those look to me to be large enough for use on a journal site. Some forums take that size and some request 64 x 64. You just need to read up on what the requirements are for where you're going on the net. Most of the time places like livejournal or a forum will allow you to upload the image to their servers directly from your computer and will have directions on how to do that. So until you find a place where you can use them there's always the option of using it to identify yourself on your own computer in Windows XP. I keep my love of YKK going in just about every place I can.
- Christine K
Friday, September 16, 2005
Thanks for the advice, Christine. :) I am definately considering changing or adding avatars at a few places.
And thanks again MartialStax, that Alpha pic is now my avatar at LiveJournal.
- Silverback
Friday, September 16, 2005
You're welcome, Silverback. I'm using the Alpha, Maruko and Kokone avatars in my live journal, and I've just started using the Makki avatar at
- martialstax
Friday, September 16, 2005
*scratches head* To each their own, but I really don't see any particular 'sex appeal' in any of the characters...even the Misago's persistant au natural state doesn't strike me as remotely arousing. In a nutshell, I think Ashinano's character designs are just a bit this side of goofy...but YKK isn't about the character's about the character personalities, and how they respond to the passage of time.
For me, the shining apex of chapter 133 is the last page...Maruko expressing a desire to go to that place again, Makki-chan interpreting and responding to it as a desire to specifically go to that place again *as the group they are*, and the last panel, a wistful 'someday...' wish and *an image of the city, sitting quietly beneath the waves!* In other words, a haunting reminder that there won't always be a 'someday'. Ahh...
- T. Cook
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Ah... I think you are right, T. Cook, I hadn't thought about Makki's "someday" response very much. : ( It implies that it was fortunate to get all four women to the beach to play like that, so it might be a long time before they are all together again. That gets me wondering why it is so difficult... they all seem to like each other, some of them like someone else a _lot_! ^_^
I wonder if Makki is the reason... her life changes faster than the robots.
- Kempis Curious
Saturday, September 17, 2005
As other has said before the happiness of this chapter is a false hapinnes. That perfect moment will quickly fade in the stream of time and nobody can tell if or when the group will be together. It is even worse if we think that this "happy" chapter it is inserted between two "not so happy"
But there is a minor detail I do not know if it is important or not.
This is the first time, if I am not mistaken, that Ashinano has shown A7 robots' real physical strength (their acute sense were one of the hints of chapter 130).... what Alpha does here is impossible for a human being... hence the torpedo/seal simil.
That reminds me a previous detail that I haven't realised till now... both Alpha and Kokone don't swin as human beings without diving equipment do, by projecting the arms and "grabbing the water" to pull themselves through it (as Makki does, by the way, They do it in a more fishlike way by keeping their arms across the body and undulating it....
that would match the Alpha's fish passion, by the way....
- DavidF
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Now come to think about it, what does those air bubbles doing around the 2 bots while they are underwater? I mean, they are not breathing, arent they?
- tongHoAnh
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
The bubbles got there in their hair, mainly. Those are the little bubbles that you can see on the surface of most anything when you put it into the water -- especially when the water is cold.
Air can get pretty sticky, you know.
If they were breathing anything out, there would be much more much bigger bubbles.
By the way, greetings to all, I've been lurking here for some time but this is my first post.
- Radomir Dopieralski
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
On a second thought, however, I think they need to breathe. Maybe not as often as humans, but still.
They need to eat "edible" food and can get stomach-ache. So they probably have metabolism similar to ours -- maybe a little better, but still similar. So, at least part of thier cells need oxygen to operate properly. The easiest way to obtain it is trough skin absorbtion or breathing.
Also, they speak. They even sing. They probably do it in a way similar as humans do. The range of sounds they can make is similar -- it can't bne just a speaker phone. And to speak using their larynx, they need to breathe out air. Sure, they can use it solely for making sounds, but that would seem a waste...
Still, the robots probably can hold their breath for a long time.
- Radomir Dopieralski
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Well, we know that Alpha's metabolism is more efficient than human. That came up when she was explaining that she got by on the small amount of money from the cafe because she doesn't eat as much as a human.
- Kerry
Thursday, September 29, 2005
I agree they have a much more efficient metabolism and I think they are more "human like" in this regard than machine. I don't think she is made of gears and wires, as we normally think of a ROBOT.
They seem to eat, drink, (and get drunk), breathe, etc. I think they have many, if not all, of the biological functions of a human. Or rather, something comparable but not identical.
- Silverback
Thursday, September 29, 2005
In fact, they breathe....
In it can be seen that Kokone needs to surface in order to inhale before diving again.....
- DavidF
Friday, September 30, 2005
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