Relentless elves burning bright have left chapter 132 wrapped in a volume of Blake's poetry over at:
Relentless elves, regular praise.
- dDave
Friday, September 9, 2005
First, to the tireless elves, they deserve not just thanks but worship! These chapters have been speeding out to us! Thank you so much!
And as to chapter 132 itself, very impressive. To me, it really lends strength to the theories that the A7's are the "children of humanity" as it was put in another thread.
It really shows that time is indeed marching on and I think he is preparing us for some big changes perhaps.
- Silverback
Friday, September 9, 2005
Thank you, as usual, oh mighty Elves.
This chapter is a bit scary. I had not worried about Sensei's mortality, but I guess it's time. I'd miss her as much as Alpha. I hope that the nature of her links to Alpha's past become clearer soon.
- El Gonzo
Friday, September 9, 2005
It looks like it's primed for Alpha to recognise the A7M1 instantly from the copy of the pendant she wears, so I'd imagine a meeting is coming up at some point in the future... what that will all mean, who knows?
- PC
Friday, September 9, 2005
Thank you Thank you!
- outsideking
Friday, September 9, 2005
Thanks elves :D
- lol
Friday, September 9, 2005
Congratulations on another fine job. You have my gratitude as always.
I have to think that wasn't the easiest chapter for you to translate. It seems to me there's a lot of subtle meaning to the things Sensei is saying.
- martialstax
Saturday, September 10, 2005
First of all thank you to the elves, you know who you are, for giving us this chapter. It had to have been the most beautiful and emotional chapter I've read. I was literally brought to tears as I read this. And those tears grew well after I had finished the chapter.
I can relate very well to Alpha in this chapter. I too was given the gift of a very special personal artifact from a dying loved one. When I was fifteen my parternal grandmother gave me her wedding ring. It isn't much compared to other rings I've seen but the emotional value attached to it is priceless. Like Alpha I was taken by surprise when she decided to give me her most prized posession. And just like Sesnei my grandmother smoked.
The moment I finished reading this chapter I sat there for a moment contemplating the meanings found in it. When I realized what was happening I reached into my desk drawer and pulled out an old film canister that has inside it my locket, an old ring that fits only on my pinky, and my grandmother's wedding ring. For four minutes I sat there clutching the canister close to my heart as I let the tears grow. This chapter brought back so many memories and so many emotions. I will never forget it.
Once again thank you elves for everything.
- Christine K.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
A warm thank you to the hardworking elves. I was also really moved by this chapter. First Ojisan and now Sensei talk to Alpha about their mortality. It feels like the author is trying to get us ready for the conclusion of the series, or at least, a radical change in Alpha's life.
Also, is it just me, or does the symbol on Sensei's necklace resemble the small seal kanji for "child"?
- Peter by the Sea
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Peter by the Sea wrote "Also, is it just me, or does the symbol on Sensei's necklace resemble the small seal kanji for "child"?"
I was wondering if that had any meaning to it. It is an interesting design.
- Silverback
Saturday, September 10, 2005
> Also, is it just me, or does the symbol on Sensei's necklace
> resemble the small seal kanji for "child"?
which is to say, you're definitly not the only one to notice the resemblence.
- tadpol
Saturday, September 10, 2005
kGo made a very interesting discovery about sensei's mark in a previous post.
- dDave
Saturday, September 10, 2005
First off THANK YOU AGAIN Elves! At LAST I can read up to ch133 and see what all the ruckus over the swimsuits is about! ;) :D
Seriously, 132 was a VERY poignant chapter. The statement I found most interesting was when Sensei said: "I'm grateful you exist" to Alpha... I don't know if I'm falsely reading into the line based on the english implications, but it struck me that from all we know, Sensei, while able to attend to the repair of robots, and obviously involved in the research that lead to some knowledge base of the robots; her work wasn't directly integrated into what became the Alpha series. This means that some compeating or parallel researchers made the breakthrough that lead to sucess and manufacture.
I wondered if all this time, has Sensei felt some level of animus over the Alpha Series. Begrudgingly accepting their existance, despite the fact that she had little or no hand in their creation. Even though she is a friend (and saviour) to Alpha, has she kept negative feelings inside all this time while presenting a happy face? And is she finally realizing how this helps no-one and only hurts herself... Has she realized acceptence of Alpha for the "person" she is, with no guilt in the origins of her type... and having reached this state of acceptence, is finally willing to validate Alpha's existence. So, as a show of final love and trust, given Alpha her most personal affect as consecration to Alpha's right to exist...
It just feels to me that each encounter Sensei has had with Alpha in particular, has been a sort of step towards a kind of reconciliation with herself over not having had her life's work pan out to be the solution that gave life to the robots as we know them, and that this chapter was that final step into total acknowledgement.
- Darin~
Sunday, September 11, 2005
I'd clean forgotten that Alpha might feel some debt towards Sensei over the lightning strike. Thanks again to the indefatigable elves!
- Smarasderagd
Sunday, September 11, 2005
I wonder how Ashinano will represent Ojii-san and Sensei deaths... Story become more and more tragic, isn't it?
- Drake
Sunday, September 11, 2005
It really feels like it is going to be the closing of the story sooner. (Though I hope that Ashinano will continue the story forever... impossible though ^_^ )
As usual, a big THANKS to you, great elves.
- painsama
Sunday, September 11, 2005
I mostly assume that they will not sensei and/or ojiisan's death scenes...
that means,they won't let you see them die,but rather alpha spouting some poignant dialogue about how life is short and that how she misses them.....
Meh........enough of that.BRING ME THE SWIMSUITS!!
- Ryo Hakusho
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Darin, I really don't believe Sensei has ever felt any animosity towards the robots. There's just nothing in the story to suggest that. She's worked on some interesting things in her life, many of which contributed to the existance of the robots.
There are a lot of ways to interpret "I'm glad you exist." The first is simple friendship. Another is the gratitude that someone will still be around to remember humanity when it finally goes away. Or simply that she's grateful Alpha will always remember her fondly, a comforting thought as she ages.
- martialstax
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Thanks for another great, mysterious chapter.
"I'm glad you exist" The "you" could be singular or plural in English, but I assume it is singular, 'cause that's the way Alpha seems to take it.
I guess Sensei is saying she's proud to have Alpha as her immortal contribution to the world. Her spiritual, if not flesh, child.
Altho Oji-san and Sensei will probably just disappear like the Misago, there is hope in ch 133 that the story will go on - there are still quite a few characters left
I think from what she has said, Alpha will probably move to be with other people. And a meeting with the flying Alpha seems foreshadowed - sometime.
- Kerry
Monday, September 12, 2005
>>Darin, I really don't believe Sensei has ever felt any animosity towards the robots. There's just nothing in the story to suggest that. She's worked on some interesting things in her life, many of which contributed to the existance of the robots.<<
You know martialstax, maybe and maybe not... That's why I say I might be reading in something that's not there, but from personal experience in the real world, I can say I hold a certain grudge over something I DID have a personal hand in the development of, and yet have never recieved any recogniton from it while others have. So its easy for me to concieve of the opposite, where I might have worked hard on something I thought would lead to an ultimate answer, yet the "competition" won out in the end, so my work would have been wasted...
I'm not trying to make out Sensei as a villian, but she IS "human..."
PS: I'll bet Ashinano would laugh heartily at the musings on this forum over his manga if he could read them... ;)
- Darin~
Monday, September 12, 2005
The animus idea is an interesting one, Darin. Though I doubt if it is correct, YKK is open-ended enough to make it a possibility at least. : )
As for this chapter, I can't imagine anything else besides an eventual meeting with the M1. It also seems to me that Sensei doesn't think she will be seeing the M1 before she dies.
I wonder what has happened to require a truck and a hedge trimmer? That was kinda odd.
- Kempis Curious
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Wow, I go away for a week or two (busy with high school *sigh*) and 4 chapters come out. Very nice job elves and dDave.
- Roy Zhou
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
By the way, who is making translation from nihongo for latest chapters? I'm retranslating it into russian, and would like to give credits for people who made my work ever possible.
As well, if you, dDave is aware of actual name of Neil, please tell me via e-mail.
- Drake
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Thanks for asking - just give credit to The Elves.
Sorry, I don't know Neil. Others have had more contact with him than I have and maybe they can help you.
- dDave
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Darin~ wrote:
>PS: I'll bet Ashinano would laugh heartily at the musings on this forum over his manga if he could read them... ;)
Well, he can read them and nobody knows if he actually does... (I'm pretty sure that he is aware of the translation project.)
Anyway, after reading this chapter and ch 134, I guess that this was the last time we saw sensei...
- Beaker
Thursday, September 15, 2005
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