Hello there,
Firstly, I would thank the masters of this place for his/her excellent work. Hitoshi Ashinano is really a mangaka to be known.
Well, now I have a question about PositioN that I really liked.
I can find only 3 chapters and I would like to know if some others chapters exist somewhere?
- Arlequin
Tuesday, September 2, 2003
I don't think so. According to Neil (who owns this site), PositioN is published occasionally in the Quarterly "Afternoon Season Special". So a new chapter only shows up occasionally.
- dDave
Tuesday, September 2, 2003
There's a little bit that I haven't translated; one or two more chapters, I think. It comes out very seldom, however. (I heard a rumor that the Afternoon Season Special has been cancelled entirely, which would mean no more PositioN; anyone know if that's true?)
- dn
Tuesday, September 2, 2003
I didn't know PositioN is published occasionnally in the "Afternoon Season Special".
Anyway I thank the both of you for your help even if I'm a little sad.
Well it's time to read the second volume.
- Arlequin
Wednesday, September 3, 2003
Anybody seen the PositioN listing at the bottom of this page?
- smurd
Friday, September 5, 2003
Quick-n-dirty translation of the entry on that page talking about PositioN:
"A story about a mysterious world, currently appearing in about every other issue of the "Afternoon" quarterly. Who knows when it'll be published as a book; it's coming out terribly slowly."
- dn
Saturday, September 6, 2003
I searched in the web, but there seems to be only little information about PositioN.
P:4 "shiroi yoru no koto" (about white night) appeared in the 2001 summer issue of Afternoon Season Special.
But this quarterly is discontinued, and the 2002 winter issue was the last one.
I have no idea, if there were / will be any more chapters...
- tamachan
Sunday, September 7, 2003
there seems to have been also
P:5 "Getsuyou no asa" (Monday morning)
P:6 "Akira-san nichiyoubi" (Akira-san Sunday),
although I haven't seen them anywhere.
- tamachan
Sunday, December 7, 2003
I just got the raw scans for P:5 and P:6.
Would the elves be interested in translating these ?
- Onkr
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Elves are on the case!
- dDave
Friday, July 22, 2005
Woo hoo! 8-)
- C_P
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Why was the main character in Position switched from Su-chan to Akira-san? Any special reason?
But with 3 chapters in which Su-chan is the main character and the last 3 chapters with Akira-san as the main character, so that to have equally distributed roles for both the protagonists...
And Akira-san sure looks like a male character right?
While Akira-san is a "she", I wonder why Su-chan called her Akira-SAN while she herself called Su-chan as Suu-CHAN, implying close relationship.
- painsama
Tuesday, August 9, 2005
I'm pretty sure that not only is Akira is a guy, he's the guy that Su-chan mentioned in Chapter 2, "Saturday afternoon", the boy named "ki". If you look at "Ki" in that chapter and compare Akira to this page:
I think that Ashinano's just showing us Akira without his usual headwrap so we can make the connection between him and the "Ki" of Su-chan's childhood.
As for whether the focus has switched..I don't know if we have enough chapters to say that it's switched for good.
- Carn
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
"He" 's actually a girl because this page:
says (under the title):
jitensha no shoujo sougusuru dai 2 no fushigi!
shizen no kyoui!!
which means:
Girl-on-bicycle's second encounter with myterious (phenomenon)!
Natural wonder!!
No doubt that "he" 's she though.
And since you mentioned Ki in chapter 2, possibly that she's such a tomboy that she thought that SHE is a "he" instead. Yes. Maybe KI is aKIra... Maybe not. Ashinano really loves to make us wondering about things... :)
- painsama
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Ooooh, painsama,
Now that, I can't argue with. I understand what you mean by "Akira-san sure looks like a male character right?" XD
Good to know..I wish I could read Japanese! ^__^
When I first read the chapters, I never thought that Akira was feminine at all..but now I'm not so sure.
http://www.cafealpha.org/PositioN_c06/4.html <-- she does look like a younger girlish Maruko ^_^
- Carn
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Nicer and gentler than Maruko too ^_^
- painsama
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Finally got around to reading the latest updates. Many thanks again to the elves!
The fog-tunnel episode is really impressive. It's kind of boggling how well it conveys the experience of seeing a strange weather phenomenon like that.
- Smarasderagd
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
i would like to see the fog-tunnel. it would prob be kool to be able to experience sumding like that.
- terra
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
I got one that is similar:
Enjoy! :)
- tongHoAnh
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Akira is a boy's name. The Editors of Afternoon likely blew it when they called him a girl.
In the Japanese I have seen, there are no gramatical gender indications that state gender, but the way he speaks is masculine. My belief is that he's a guy.
- dDave
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Seem to me that Akira is a girl's name too since there are so many matches for "Akira" in enamdict (jim breen's wwwjdic).
Yes. The mention of Akira as a girl here:
is not by Ashinano himself though.
But the way he draw Maruko, which is slightly tomboyish, make me believe that Akira is a girl.
Btw, I don't know the original kanji in chapter 5 though.
- painsama
Friday, August 19, 2005
"Akira" is getting popular as a name for female fictional characters these days. See ARIA by Amano Kozue, Shadow Star by Kitoh Mohiro.
Shadow Star (aka Narutaru):
- kGo
Friday, August 19, 2005
But you have to remember that the editor's statement about Akira being a girl was before the name actually showed up in the story. So the editors were flying blind as to gender too.
To me the biggest tip of is the way Akira speaks in Japanese, which is more masculine.
- dDave
Friday, August 19, 2005
Uh sorry. Just noticed that it was written in hiragana in chater 6. ^_^;
- painsama
Friday, August 19, 2005
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