is the YKK on delay or is the manager of this site gone? i liked reading YKK and been trying to download it again so i can store a copy, but haven't the time. but i was wodering, is YKK continuing and is the translator too busy? if so, i would like to purchase the book then.
- terra
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Actually the series is not on hold. For right now a dedicated group of fans have picked up where Neil left off. The "elves" as they like to be known as set up shop over at The rest of the scanlations and the newest PositioN chapters can be found there. Hope this answers your inquiry.
- Christine K.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
it sure does. for a sec there, i thought the series ended or sumding happen. i checked, and still can't find the book i was looking for at the link to the store where u can buy imported orginal manga and such.
- terra
Thursday, August 11, 2005
It's now been a full 9 months since anything was done to this site outside the forum. We might as well (other than the forum) consider this site to be nearly dead.
- ElGonzo
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Who's the dDave guy that repleis to a lot of messages?
- Ryo Hakusho
Thursday, August 11, 2005
First off ElGonzo I wouldn't consider this place to be dead. As long as we get people coming here to the site for their YKK fixes it won't be dead. To take down the material on the site because Neil no longer has the time in his life to scanlate and update things wouldn't be right. Many of us don't download every chapter as they come and we refer back to earlier stuff for discussions and information when doing other works. It's good that this site exisists.
As for who dDave is Ryo. He's the guy that's currently doing a lot of the translating for the elves. He's the head elf if you will and one of the more knowledgeable people about the series. I consider him to be the man to go to when you need all the answers to your YKK questions. So he'd be considered a very knowledgable fan.
- Christine K.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
I consider the forum to be quite active considering that the guts of the site hasn't been updated in almost a year. Of course there are peaks when the elves do a post but even in the most dry times there is usually something new on the forum at least once a week or so.
The fact that the forum is here and the newer scanlations are at cafealpha is a bit skitzo but it's also an indication of the popularity of the manga.
By the way the wayback machine :*/
indicates the last update was Sept 2004. So the scanlation appears to be at least 11 months without an update.
sorry for spelling errors.
- outsideking
Thursday, August 11, 2005
"Dead" was a poor choice of words. I really was thinking "abandoned" instead. No offense to Translator; we all go through changes in priorities as life requires. And after all, the site's still being hosted and the domain name is still active, which requires a substantial financial commitment.
However, the forum is still the only part of the site that sees any changes. The point was well made that the site still hosts the scanslations up to chapter 121, and the forum is still the best YKK resource on the Web. Let's just hope that it's able to continue.
- ElGonzo
Thursday, August 11, 2005
terra, here are the links you want:
Sasuga Japanese Bookstore:
Amazon Japan:
- kGo
Saturday, August 13, 2005
For me that just knew this site after 5 moths of the so called "death" of the site, I don't want to consider it as dead. I'd rather say that the site owner went for a journey for maybe 1-2 years for a while, while leaving the spirit of YKK behind for us. Please. Not "dead".
- painsama
Sunday, August 14, 2005
You can see from when the site was frozen at the "news" tab.
- tongHoAnh
Monday, August 15, 2005
kool. thanks for all the info. i'm kinda glad cuz i would b sad to find out that the site closed and i have to ask around who manage to download and saved the YKK manga from this site.
- terra
Monday, August 15, 2005
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