How many people have this? When it came out, a friend of mine had just moved to Kyoto. When he saw it in the store, he bought me a copy and mailed it to me. I didn't even know the book existed, and suddenly here it was in my mail box. What a great surprise.
I was at Kinokuniya bookstore in Seattle today and noticed they had two copies in stock. If you live anywhere near the Seattle area, you should check it out. It's worth it not only for the beautiful full color art, but it comes with a little styrofoam cutout of Nai's plane, Alpha, the airport building and some little stands of brush. I have mine on my tv.
- martialstax
Saturday, April 2, 2005
I ordered it from Sasuga, but its backordered... I'm prayin' they get in stock and ship it...
- Darin~
Saturday, April 2, 2005
I also ordered the book from Sasuga on Feb 21. How long have you been waiting for it?
- Soyokaze
Saturday, April 2, 2005
Martialstax: That's where I bought my YKK artbook, last summer! ^_^ I was so happy..
- Carn
Sunday, April 3, 2005
<<I also ordered the book from Sasuga on Feb 21. How long have you been waiting for it?>>
Soyokaze, I ordered in mid-March... They took my money quite happily from my PayPal acct... now I hope they happily deliver! :D
- Darin~
Sunday, April 3, 2005
Take a look also at YKK is listed under "import books". I got a copy from there about six months ago. The art book is still listed but you might want to inquire first to avoid getting a backorder notification. I can't remember if they only display stuff that's in stock or not. I've gotten quite a few anime books from there and they usually provide good service.
- M3K
Monday, April 4, 2005
Don't laugh... too much.
I picked up this artbook (and the cardboard airplane extra it came with) back in April 2003, during my first overseas vacation, which happened to be to Japan (and Singapore). I had taken a 1 day trip on the bullet train (had to ride it once) to Yokohama to do some shopping, and I had found it in a manga store. Spent half of my remaining trip hitting various music and video stores in Tokyo while pointing at the cover and asking, "CD? DVD?"
I've now vacationed there twice... I really need to learn the language someday.
My "swag" (loot) photo from my first trip...
- Tabyk
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Tabyk, that's so awesome!!!!! ^__^
And I love the fox-squirrel from Nausicaa... ^^
- Carn
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Wow, you sure take bought quite a lot of thing ^_^' , I wish they sell that YKK artbook in here.
btw, I didn't know that fox - squirrel was from Nausicaa...
- Kuswardhana
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Say, Darin, Did Sasuga ever send the artbook to you? I found out today that it was never shipped to me. I sent an e-mail to Karen there and got a polite reply to the effect that they would try to get it to me. If you haven't gotten it could you also please e-mail them to put a little friendly pressure on her to get the book?
- Soyokaze
Sunday, July 17, 2005
I recieved a message from them a few weeks ago after asking the same thing. Sasuga told me that the book is not out of print yet, but they are waiting for the publisher to print more copies.
- Leodhais
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
No, I've never heard anything at all either... I'll call them as well to add some push... If they aren't out of print, there's no reason we shouldn't get what we paid for... :p
- Darin~
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Thanks to everyone for the feedback on this. Most of the stuff I have ordered from Sasuga has arrived, but she does not appear to have a system for dealing with long-term back orders. I think she just reacts to polite reminders. I believe if we asked for a refund, we would get it right away. Her integrity does not seem to be in doubt. I have ordered YKK items (CD's and DVD's) from amazon japan via the link on this site. The items arrived quickly, but somewhat damaged. I would consider ordering the art book this way, but I am not very good at navigating the Amazon Japan site. Does anyone have a link that would take me straight to the art book on Amazon Japan?
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- Soyokaze
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Well, my copy of the Art Book arrived last Friday and I'm so very happpy with it! In a way it once again confirms what a lacking media Manga are. The illustrations we've seen in the color plates or on the covers of the manga are represented in large high dpi resolution format and they are gorgeous! A whole new subtle level of Alpha's personality comes out of these pages. Whithout doubt, this artbook really is a "must have" for any fan and dedicated reader of YKK. Ashinano's ability to use simple positive and negative spaces to describe a scene or a clean stroke to indicate motion is shown so well here. Beyond what the small, low resolution manga are able to present, his great artistry comes shining through the pages. Truely an art book that lives up to the moniker!
Thank you Sasuga Books for getting this to me... and in fresh-off-the-press condition too! GREAT packaging! Kudos to a caring retailer!
- Darin~
Monday, August 22, 2005
I'm glad to hear your finally got it. Now you have to answer the big question: Did you put the plane together and display it?
- martialstax
Monday, August 22, 2005
Not yeeeeet... ;)
- Darin~
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
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