My ver. of Kokone ^^...
So what do you think?
Plz comment :)
- Malchiel
Saturday, April 2, 2005
nice colors, but you need a lot of practice
- anon
Monday, April 4, 2005
Hey c'mon, we don't need that kind of troll here. Save it for some other board where it's appreciated. YKK inspires creativity in people, and we appreciate folks who share it with us.
- dDave
Monday, April 4, 2005
Constructive critics can be quite useful, you know, not all critics are trolls. If he had said "OMG?!!¡¡¡!!! Th1s 1s a p13c3 0f C®@P!!¡¡¡!!!!¡¡!!!" then you could be sure he was a stupid 12 years old troll newbie who never even attempted drawing.
Btw, it's rather nice, there is room for amelioration, but I'm sure you'll improve even more ^^ (ps: my best drawings look like stick figures, so you can be sure you're better that me, and probably better than a LOT of other people too ^_^)
- Marc-Olivier Dumont
Friday, April 15, 2005
oh yeah, btw, the clothing is impressively drawn, what seems to need some work IMHO is the face ^_^
- Marc-Olivier Dumont
Friday, April 15, 2005
I agree that constructive crits are valuable, but "you need to practice more" is not constructive. It's obvious. I've been drawing for 25 years, and I'm clear *I* need to practice more.
- dDave
Friday, April 15, 2005
It's a nice attempt. Better than what I could do. However, and I say this because I care, your shoulder looks a little off and yes the face does need some work. For a first attempt at a character like this it's still good. Just keep plugging away at the art and one day you'll find a style all your own. It's always good to see a fan who cares enough to share something they love doing with other fans.
- [email protected]
Friday, April 15, 2005
Yes thank you all for your comments and critiques. Especially dDave for standing up for me ^^
And yes after getting more practice :P I know what's wrong with the picture. My latest works have improved a lot.
May be one of these days I'll post a link here, but they aren't YKK fanarts, just so you know ;)
Take care all.
- Malchiel
Friday, April 22, 2005
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