Can the spaciously-peaceful world of YKK apply for other countries and cultures (Europe, Country-USA and beyond)?
Also, which gender/demographic is YKK aimed towards?
The setting seems very suitable for females, but I still love reading this (I guess it provides some counter-balance to a typical city guy).
- Glen Hwang
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
YKK is published in the monthly comic anthology "Afternoon", which is aimed at the teen to young adult male demographic.
However, I'm sure that YKK's nature makes it popular regardless of gender.
- dDave
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Judging from the merchandise, I would guess that it focuses on girls. Such as the tea sets, little travel backpack, and other accessories (or are they good gift ideas for girlfriends?).
- WickerK
Sunday, February 27, 2005
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