YKK Forum

In vol.9 p.26 panel 2...

...what Takahiro is embarrased about? I'm not quite understand this place. Is Alpha's phrase about "drive her" have some ambiguity in English?

- Drake. From Russia with love =)
Friday, December 3, 2004


No, it's straighforward English with no double meanings.

I just think Takahiro is realizing how attractive Alpha is. Just as he has grown physically, he is now seeing Alpha with new "adult" eyes. Alpha's comment about "you can drive me next time," combined with this new sexual awareness, comes back to haunt Takahiro here:




- dDave
Friday, December 3, 2004

Thanks. But still somehow surprizing reaction. Maybe he is just slow-witted, poor boy. =)

About vol. 10 - I'm not sure one can call it "fanservice" but I love those moments. he-he...

- Drake
Friday, December 3, 2004

I agree with dDave.
I have another question by the way.
In [v5, p101], what is Alpha embarrassed about?

- kGo
Sunday, December 5, 2004


I think it is a similar thing in reverse. Alpha is somewhat embarassed to realize how much she enjoys Takahiro's visits, combined with the realization those visits are changing/going away as Takahiro gets older. No more sharing the bath tub for the both of them....




- dDave
Sunday, December 5, 2004

And so we concluded that they have suppressed feelings for each other =). Howdy.

It's nice how the robots have morale similar to "tightly modest" human behavior. YKK rulezzz =^_^=

- Drake, enjoying the topic
Sunday, December 5, 2004

Very sweet ^^ and sad too at the same time... *reminds me of dark choclate... mmm... :9

- Malchiel
Wednesday, December 8, 2004

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