Hello again! Original sketch and painting of Alpha in a Hanbok, a traditional Korean dress. You can check it out at:
Any feedback as welcome, and feel free to check out the other pics in the gallery.
- Glen Hwang
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Made me smile.
Is a Hanbok worn on special occasions?
- Chris Davey
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Oh, just any special occasion. Along the kimono at weddings, festivals, graduations, and other ceremonies.
- Glen Hwang
Saturday, November 20, 2004
It looks like Alpha's wearing a fairly ordinary hanbok, by today's standards: a girl's jeogori (a hanbok top) and a chima (chima means skirt in Korean.) She's also wearing big socks, called beoseon. All those things are likely to be dyed silk. Hanbok isn't cheap now!
Nowadays people usually wear traditional hanbok when they're 100 days old, on their first birthday, as part of their wedding ceremonies, or when they're really old.
Alpha looks very cute indeed. :)
BTW, "eo" is usually used in writing to describe a Korean vowel that's a little bit similar to the first vowel of "uh-oh."
- SeaStone
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Very cute. ^_^ Alpha looks aweeeeesome in the hanbok!!! =D
- Carn
Sunday, November 21, 2004
My wife, who is Korean, recognised the Hanbok right away. She said Alpha looks cute in it. I also wanted to show her the picture of Alpha in the Chinese clothing. Could someone please post the page number?
- Doug S.
Monday, November 22, 2004
I think you mean this one, Doug:
- Carn
Monday, November 22, 2004
Thanks so much for the wonderful feedback! Suggestions for other YKK-related artwork is totally welcome...trying to work on my "kawaii" style. :D
- Glen Hwang
Monday, November 22, 2004
Thank you to Glen & Carn for the pictire links. Perhaps now my wife understands a little better why I am such a fan of this "manhwa"
- Doug S.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
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