I just looked back at a post I made over the weekend about chapter 121 on another forum and it has me thinking about the lack of kids near Makki and Takahiro when they were younger. It occured to me that since there aren't a lot of opportunities for jobs that offer things like travel or a steady income in the small town they live in most of the people there would leave at the same age Takahiro did. There would seem to be more opportunities for jobs where Takahiro is now or near Yokohama where Kokone and Maruko are. Like most kids in small towns who haven't been away from where they live they would want to see what the world outside their town and surrounding area would be like. Some may return years later as adults or some may never return and start families where they moves to. If that's the case then I see one of a few possibilities happening when Makki reaches the age Takahiro was when he left town for his new job.
If she's still infatuated with Takahiro Makki could leave and go to where he lives now and try her hand at getting a job there and having a life with him. Another possibility is that she could find Ayase and get Kamas's offspring and travel around with him until she's ready to venture out on her own doing the occasional odd job here and there. There was talk of that being a possibility when she showed off the Kamas boomerang she had made. Lastly, Makki could still get Kamas's offspring, providing Ayase still has it, and stay in town like Alpha and the town council. It would be harder for her to make a decent wage but she wouldn't have to leave the only friends and family she's known for most of her life. Makes me wonder what Ashinano has planned for those two as the series progresses.
- Christine K
Monday, November 15, 2004
Makki talks to Ayase about this very thing in an upcoming chapter (123, I think). Hang in there, you'll have more food for thought soon.
- dDave
Monday, November 15, 2004
dDave, you're such a tease.
I'd love for Makki to take the baby Kamas and travel with Ayase for a while, at least until she's ready to strike out on her own. After some time on her own, she'll be able to better decide what she wants for herself.
- martialstax
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Yes Dave you are such a tease but only time will tell what will happen to Makki. And maybe we'll be able to see what Takahiro has been up to while he's been away at his job or school or whatever it is he does now.
- Christine K
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
I prefer to think of myself as (usually) gentle encouragement for Neil to get chapters out faster. It's not easy to bite my tongue for months at a time when there are new YKK chapters to talk about. :(
- dDave
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Well then encourage away Dave, encourage away. Every little bit helps and man if it works then keep doing it.
- Christine K.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Which chapter was in the November issue of Afternoon? I missed that issue when I was out of town on business. Of course it was also the issue that came with a little Urd figure, so I missed out on that one, too. It's the first volume of Afternoon I've missed in almost two years.
- martialstax
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Chapter 123, if memory serves.
- dDave
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Ah, the very one you were refering to. Figures. Well, it'll be up here sooner or later.
- martialstax
Thursday, November 18, 2004
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