YKK Forum

Yokosuka flight

Some additional fanart. Dedicated to all, who adore Alpha =))


- Drake
Thursday, November 11, 2004


Pretty funny! Well done, too.



- dDave
Thursday, November 11, 2004

That's really nice :)

- Brad
Thursday, November 11, 2004

I could definately see this happening in an official colored chapter. ^^;; Not sure what that would do to the story, but YKK always suprises me in some small way each month.

gotta love the second frame ^__^

- Katei
Thursday, November 11, 2004

Ahhhh, oh so very pretty!!!!! ^-^

Can you make a wallpaper out of this, Drake? =D I'd love to have this on my desktop!!

*snerks at the last panel* What does the sound effect mean? =)

- Carn
Thursday, November 11, 2004

*GASHA* : the sound of Alpha falling down into the grass below (like *thunk*, I'm guessing)

- Katei
Thursday, November 11, 2004

Ah, thank you very much. ^__^

- Carn
Thursday, November 11, 2004

Excellent! I love it!

- Velurajesh Shkandlar
Friday, November 12, 2004

I've slept a little, savored a cup of tea (I like it better than coffee) and turned over the sky on the picture.
Finally realized what was wrong with it =).
Here is wallpaper you asked for, Carn.


- Drake
Friday, November 12, 2004

That's a very cute wallpaper. I hope you don't mind but I want to stick the link to that wallpaper up in my YKK graphics community. Proper credit will be given. I think there are some people that are members there that would love seeing this. The community is there for more than just posting user pictures for livejournal featuring YKK and PositioN. There have also been wallpapers and banners posted there as well. You can check out the YKK graphics community at the following address.


- Christine K
Friday, November 12, 2004

Yaaaaaay!! Thanks, Drake. =D

- Carn
Friday, November 12, 2004

Great art! And in the YKK spirit.

- Kerry
Saturday, November 13, 2004

anyone here know how to make gradients in gimp look good? I'm trying to "grow" the size of the background image to fit my monitor, and getting the gradient back in is killimg me. (I pulled out all the foreground parts, moved them about, and am stuck trying to put the background back in.)

- tadpol
Sunday, November 14, 2004

GREAT image and right in line with the feel of the story! Thanks for sharing this excellent art!

- Darin~
Tuesday, March 22, 2005

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