For the mere challenge of it and for the fact that I had yet to see anyone do this I created a PositioN wallpaper. Using the color title and a page from the first chapter I came up with a pretty decent looking wallpaper using nothing more than my Paint Shop Pro, a crumpled paper texture, the background eraser, and the colors found in the images themselves. You are free to take it and use it for your own desktop image. I'd love to hear what you think of it as well.
- Christine K
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
I like the background, colors, and ... uh... placement of the elements. (I almost typed "positioning".) (Which would have seemed like a wordplay... perish the thought!) ^_^ I really dig how the orange-yellow colors of the title are echoed in the shadows of the characters and parakeet-gal's hair.
The background removal tool did pretty well, especially the long hair of parakeet gal. It missed a few spots, though, which need removal. Also, an edge-softening tool is needed to make the characters and background seem like they are more in the same space. There's probably a term for that which I don't know, not being an artist. ^_^
- Kempis Curious
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
I liked it, Christine--really good stuff. As I right-click and save and put in into my Webshots rotation...
- Ian Darrow
Thursday, October 28, 2004
I'm using it right now! Very awesome. ^_^ Thanks, Christine.
- Carn
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Thanks for the constructive criticism. I just got a new book on PSP8 today and I'll have to give it a good runthrough using it on that wallpaper. I'm glad people like it. For the amount of time it took I think it came out pretty good but yeah if I had known the one thing I know now about erasing backgrounds there wouldn't have been that many white spaces.
Anyhoo, I'm glad everyone likes the results I got anyway and is pleased to see a wallpaper for PositioN. I'm going to try my hand at some icons for livejournal using what I have and will stick them up here and my YKK graphics community for all to use once they're finished.
- Christine K
Thursday, October 28, 2004
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