After reading YKK 4 times, and reediting it into russian, I'm still noticing additional details, which surprising me again and again. =)
Just another one: Ayase is wearing ear-clips, just the same all the robogals have, only without glasses. On volume 2 b&w cover he even do have glasses in it.
What for? Anyone else besides the robots doesn't wear anything like that. Nai doesn't have it too, though...
Aaargh... Ashinano-san, you devil.
- Drake
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
This was discussed before but I'm too lazy to search for it:p;)
IMHO the picture in question is an early study that made it into the book, it has the slightly different style of the first volume *and* the intermission page in Volume 3, showing an unrelated(?) moon harp player plus girl in a weightless moment:
I have nothing to offer on your question about Ayase wearing ear clips, though, but he certainly ages - and has growing hair at least in his face.;)
- Rainer
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
In the latest chapter (that has not been translated yet), Ayase mentions that he was born around the area of Alpha's cafe. That's one of the reasons he keeps coming back every once and a while (the other is a faint hope to see Misago again).
So I think that it's safe to say that Ayase is human, and also that the ear clips do not indicate whether someone is a robot or not.
- dDave
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Why not translated? It's ch.99 On Earth.
I do not think that he can be a robot. It's just curious for man to wear earclips. Maybe this is some innuendo for Ayase connection to robot's theme.
- Drake
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
What I meant to say what that in the most recent chapter - as in the one on the newstands right now in Japan - Ayase makes that comment about being born in that area. I was just using it to give more evidence that Ayase is human.
- dDave
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
As Rainer pointer out, was talked about here: confuse us with even the tiny details. so mean...
- tadpol
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Ayase mentioned his origin before - more or less.
When Alpha met him first at the Great North Ruines, his dialect reminded her of Ojiisan: but Ayase keept mum about this.
When he visited the water god, we learn he came because Hasseno-sensei (Alpha's owner, no less!) told him - and did so "a long time ago".
Finally, when visiting Café Alpha, he tells her of being there as a child He still doesn't draw the line from "Hasseno-seinsei" to "Alpha's owner" - though he remembers some weird rumors about this place. Since he told Alpha at the North Ruins he would be "from around there", I since then assumed he was born at Cape West and picked up the accent, but "transfered" North (with his parents?) as an early teenager or something.
- Rainer
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
I also support the idea that the clips are how robots can wear earrings. I imagine it might be related to how Alpha can heal a sunburn quickly:
Maybe an ear piercing would not heal in a way that would allow a conventional earring. Either it would close too quickly, or it would do something weird. ^_^
- Kempis Curious
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
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