YYK volume 12 looks like it will be published in Japan on November 22.
- dDave
Monday, October 25, 2004
I sent an email asking the folks at Sasuga books when they would have it in stock, but I didn't get an answer. I hope they'll have it soon!
I happen to work about 2 miles from their location, but the retail side is only open Saturdays. It's just as well, as I'd probably spend more money if I could go there on payday!
- Doug S.
Monday, November 22, 2004
With any luck, it will be in stock at the Seattle Kinokuniya before Christmas. I wonder why it's been moved up from it's more traditional early spring date?
- martialstax
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
One friend of mine is worried because vol. 12 is coming out so early. Maybe YKK is about to end..?
- SeaStone
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Well, if this were the ending of YKK, they'd have to set aside a hundred pages in this issue for Ashinano-san. It's going to take that much at least to tie it all together.
- seaweb
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
I have seen no indications that the series is ending. I really doubt that rumor is true.
By the way, please note that this year's volume came out two months later than usual. My guess is that has more to do with it than anything. Remember, We are getting 12 volume in ten years, so it's slightly faster than a volume a year.
- dDave
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
I just picked up volume 12 at Kinokuniya in Seattle.
The cover is Alpha and Makki in winter clothes, just as they were dressed to see the first sunrise of the new year. Judging by the light, I'm assuming that it is sunrise. The cover isn't flashy or eye-grabbing. Instead, it's gentle and eloquant, like a classic watercolor.
The back cover is a view of the clouds seen through rushes, like Kokone hiked through to have tea with Shiba-chan.
The front cover has an image of a seed sprouting it's first sign on life.
The back cover has Alpha talking about this being the 10 year anniversary of YKK. My japanese just isn't good enough to work it all out, but Ashinano shows three closeups of her talking. In the first, she's drawn just as she was 10 years ago, with the cute little vested outfit she used to wear, then in the next, she's subtly different, with a more streamlined appearance, and in the last, she's just as she is now, wearing a simply pull-over shirt. She also doesn't look too happy.
The chapters covered are 111 through 120, which includes the full-color scooter race between Alpha and Maruko. Of course, the great thing about the tankoubans is that we get to see the splash pages without the inane chatter the editors of Afternoon always feel compelled to drape over the art. My favorite is the full-color picture of Kokone lying among the leaves at the beginning of chapter 112. I also like this selection of chapters just because almost everyone gets some time. Takahiro, Nai, and Makki. Ojisan and Sensei. Alpha and Maruko. Kokone and Shiba-chan.
This is another great volume.
- martialstax
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Thank you for that detailed description, martialstax. ^_^ I really enjoyed reading about it!!
- Carn
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Your welcome. I also picked up R.O.D. #3 (and ordered 1 & 2, I should break down and get the novels too), Negima #8, and Aa Megamisama #30. I also picked up a CD I had ordered, Masami Okui S-mode #2 which I'm listening to right now. It's a good day.
- martialstax
Saturday, December 18, 2004
I just picked up my copy of Volume 12 as well. I also picked up the latest Afternoon with chapter 125 in it. It has a nice four page color section that starts the chapter.
For those of you that enjoy Neil's translation of YKK, be sure to pick up a copy of volume 12, either at Kinokunia or over the net, to support Ashino and his fabulous work.
- dDave
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Would you guys recommend us non-Japanese speaking fans getting YKK from Sasuga? Is it worth our while if we cannot read it?
Also does anybody know if an official English version of YKK is being planned (In the US or otherwise)?
- Peter by the Sea
Sunday, December 19, 2004
If you like YKK, buy the manga and support the artist. You are getting the translations for free after all. If nothing else, pass the manga on to a friend and spread the word.
As for an official English version, there has been no indication that the rights have been picked up by anyone, or that they will be picked up anytime in the future. It could happen, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
- dDave
Sunday, December 19, 2004
I have to say this, but don't take me wrong. I think I was once abandoned on a doorstop or something.
I have found one other person who appreciates YKK, of maybe a dozen I have shown it to...just one.
Same thing with the music and movies I like.
Oh, well. Doesn't bother me at all.
- seaweb
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Just picked up a copy of volume #12 at my local Kinokunia's, and put in an ongoing order for future volumes (along with Five Star Stories, I'm such an addict). *smile* Can't wait until Neil releases some more translations... I think I'm suffering from YKK withdrawl.
- Tabyk
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
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