Just curious since these two robots have not had the chance to meet one another yet (at least that we know of). They have such different personalities. Nai seems pretty comfortable with his niche in the world while Kokone is forever wondering about the meaning of robot life. ^_^
I wonder if they would get along.
- Peter by the Sea
Thursday, October 21, 2004
I have a feeling a meeting between them would begin very quietly :)
- Brad
Friday, October 22, 2004
I think Kokone would be pretty shy. ^_^ Maybe Nai would take her out in his airplane, but I don't think they *wouldn't* get along...
- Carn
Friday, October 22, 2004
I think it would depend on whether Alpha or Maruko introduced them. Alpha + Kokone + Nai would probably have a few awkward moments, but come out ok. Maruko's track record on introducing friends is v. bad. If all four got together, I think that would be more excitement than the average y.k.k. fan could handle :-) I'm curious to know about Maurko and Nai's backstory. He sends her "images"...
Hang on, scratch that. Kokone has met Nai in her capacity as a delivery girl.
<http://ykk.misago.org/Volume8/119> onward, esp.
They're already pretty well acquainted (how many of *your* friends have you deep-kissed?) That's how Maruko knows Alpha & Nai have met. Still, i doubt anyone knows the whole story. (see above paragraph). Ashinano-san you sly devil you...
- Nels Lindberg
Saturday, October 23, 2004
@ Nels
That's not a given fact - we just don't know how this kind of messages are sent: Remember that Kokone is carrying a message from Alphas owner on her first encounter, and she doesn't even know what's "in" it:
Looks like there is either a non-robot way to "record" them ( a video cam similar to Alphas camera), or another robot recorded owners message and delivered it to Kokone beforehand. Either way, Ashinano-sensei is as blurry es ever on this topic. Maybe he's just making fun of us viewing a literal version of the children's "post office" game - I haven't seen a single postage stamp, though;-)
- Rainer
Saturday, October 23, 2004
I don't think Kokone has met Nai, that would have been too interesting to the fans to let us miss it. : (
I think it's very possible for them not to have met. It would make more sense for the cameras' "caramel" memory cubes to be shipped around, rather than sending a robot person all over the island.
Perhaps he images in the cubes are readable only by whoever made them... and it takes special conversion processing by someone like Kokone to transfer them.
O'course that's based on only one incidence, Nai's photo of Alpha. Ashinano leaves plenty of room for reader imagination and fun forum topics. ^_^
- Kempis Curious
Saturday, October 23, 2004
You guys have the funniest senarios. ^_^
Nai would probably give Kokone a ride in his airplane. Possibly to fly her to a delivery? If Nai & Kokone become friends, I hope that she doesn't take him to the outdoor cafe. The poor cafe waiter would be crushed. ^_^
I think that considering her interest in robotic history, Kokone would be fascinated by Nai & his past. He is after all a rarity. But yes, I imagine that their conversations could be a little halting to start with since Kokone is shy & Nai is short on words. Though, I am more hazy on Nai's reaction to Kokone since he hasn't reveal much of his personality in the story so far.
- Peter by the Sea
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Ha, I didn't think of that. I would be hard to compete against an immortal guy for the love of an immortal woman. ^_^
- Kempis Curious
Sunday, October 24, 2004
If Kokone met Nai it would probably result in two things. One it would end up being like her relationship with Alpha where she would want to visit him from time to time and two it would spark her curiosity even more. This would have Kokone looking for any information she could find on male biomechanical robots and why they didn't survive very long and why Nai is one of the very few that did survive. I think Assano would have this take place only if he was ready to go into either a full or partial explination as to what happened to the male robots to cause them not to survive for very long.
Right now all Kokone knows about Nai is that he's a friend who likes to send Maruko images. She doesn't even know he's a robot or even male. It'll be up to either Maruko or Alpha to be the one to introduce Kokone to Nai. That is if she isn't sent to the airfield to deliver a message in the unique way only a robot can. And if that happens then we'll have our very first male/female robotic kiss. Wouldn't be the first male/female kissing scene all together seeing as Misago did try and kiss Takahiro during one of their encounters.
- Christine K
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
>>quoted from Christine K:
>> she would want to visit him from time to time and two it would spark her curiosity even more.
That thought makes me wonder why Kokone and Alpha have not gone to visit Nai already. Alpha reached his airport by foot last time and is in contact will him still. I can't imagine Kokone hasn't heard about him... and she should be interested in this robot rarity.
(off topic aside: Misago kiss? Which chapter is that?)
- Kempis Curious
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
I was assuming that Alpha would have told Kokone all about Nai. The only reason she wouldn't have is if she wants to keep him to herself, but I don't see that happening :)
Although Alpha reached the airport on foot, she had to travel over some rough roads to get there. Might be too much for the scooters.
- Brad
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
@ Kempis Curious
That would be their second encounter, I guess, starting at
http://ykk.misago.org/Volume1/57.html. She doesn't kiss him, though, but pulls a Fred Astaire on him:
"...when we're out together dancing, cheek to cheek."
Well, they are not exactly dancing, but I don't think Takahiro has a reason to complain, ne:-?
- Rainer
Thursday, October 28, 2004
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