I posted a bunch of YKK links I found by surfing Japanese fan sites over on the Cafe Alpha forum. Take a look it you are so inclined at:
I would have posted them on this forum, but this forum doesn't handle links very well. Neil - I know you followed Joel on Software's well reasoned arguments when you coded this forum, but I heartily disagree with most of his points. I find this style of forum to be user unfriendly. My 2 cents.
- dDave
Wednesday, June 25, 2003
Not being able to determine which threads have been recently posted to is agonizing.
- Defiler
Thursday, June 26, 2003
Mea culpa.
You're right; this forum could decidedly use some work. In its defense, I can only say that it manages to run on this (rather memory limited) webserver.
I just added a couple tweaks; it is now possible to break lines within a paragraph...
...and the thread index is sorted in order of most recently active threads.
- dn
Saturday, June 28, 2003
Thank you very much! This helps out a lot (I don't have to memorize the number of comments anymore to see if there is anything new!
- dDave
Saturday, June 28, 2003
Man... I wonder what kind of fan deserves so many sketches like those in the links. I would kill just for one.
- (NGA)
Sunday, June 29, 2003
> Man... I wonder what kind of fan deserves so many sketches like those in the links.
Heh, I bet it's one that pays well. My assumption is that those sketches were commissioned at conventions.
- dDave
Sunday, June 29, 2003
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