Sorry, sorry, it always seems to be me who asks. But I am starting to jones bad for the next chapter. Is there a prob? Are you still doing the translation?
I can't find 'em anywhere else.
- Steven Robinson (the greedy louse)
Wednesday, September 8, 2004
hue......,nedd update(or dead)huekkkkkkkk,(in serious addict problem...)
- nova
Thursday, September 9, 2004
I forget which thread it was, but recently Neil confessed that his laptop was stolen--with all his stuff for the site on it. So, I imagine that we just have to be patient. He is doing this *voluntarily*, after all.
- Ian Darrow
Friday, September 10, 2004
It's near the end of the "10 years of YKK - chapter 120 (no spoilers)" thread. I feel bad for Neil. I had my iMac stolen shortly after moving into my new house a couple of years ago, and I lost a lot of information. I'm still angry about it.
So yeah, I'm being patient. I know Neil will be able to get this site back on track eventually, but in the meantime, he has more important things to concern himself with.
- martialstax
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Steve, this is almost completely OT, but can we start calling you 'Yngvi' now?
-Rob (Running, ducking, dodging and weaving)
- Rob Masters
Saturday, September 11, 2004
hmmm, i've been wondering is the ykk fans mostly male? just a little women reading it?so neil laptop hass been stolen?that's why there no update....,i wonder any website also translate ykk?
- nova
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Your right, I don't recall many women reading YKK, man I feel sorry for niel, I would hate to have my precious bab-, uhhh I mean labtop stolen.
- Roy Zhou
Sunday, September 12, 2004
I don't know what an Yngvi is, the web only tells me its either an scandinavian king or a unix command line for sniffing out files on a webserver.
Either way, I don't understand the reference. Two points to you for proving you are smarter than me.
I found the other link shortly after I posted mine, so, yeah, I guess the pilfering of the computer is a bit of a stumbling block for neild. Was there ever a collection? Maybe if we all chip in we can buy him a new laptop so he can get back to work satiating our needs.
I know several women who adore YKK, not the least of which is the fabulous Svetlana Chmakova. I think they must be out there somewhere.
- Steven Robinson
Monday, September 13, 2004
Oh, haha, I get it. That's funny.
- Steve Robinson
Monday, September 13, 2004
What did it mean? (Yngvi) please tell me.
- John_Silver
Monday, September 13, 2004
if you use Rot-13 on 'yngvi' it morphs into 'lativ', which is backward for 'vital''.
Kinda interesting, but I still don't see any pun.%-)
Enlighten us, please...
- Rainer
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Well... I *could* say 'just google it', but you have, and I am not *quite* that nasty.
What I will do is give a link to the definitive source:
I will also say that it is a) very fannish, and b) very silly.
-Rob (wot is showing his age) (See - there it is! (points off screen))
- Rob Masters
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Thanks for clarification. I fondly remember Sprague de Camp's novels from some 30+ years back, but "Yngvi" as part of a statement is new to me - I've never been on any fanfic conventions.;-)
- Rainer
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Still, it would be reassuring to hear something from Neild himself, just to make sure that he didn't get run over by a bus or something equally liveshortening.
Hey, owner, don't forget!
- Mart
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Oh, is that it? That is probably the source for the Unix app yngvi Apache delouser.
It's probably related.
What does "fannish" mean?
- Steve Robinson
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
>What does "fannish" mean?
It's someone from Fanland.
- dDave
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
The anxious wait for new chapters seems to be building to a fever pitch. I just received an email asking if I had my own translations for the new chapters I could pass out. Unfortunately, I don't. I *can* go ahead and translate them, but it makes me feel like I'm stepping on Neil's toes.
However, see as how Neil hasn't dropped a line to let us know what is going on, here is what I propose: If someone scans the chapters, I will provide a translation. Yes, I do have copies of Afternoon myself, but I hate scanning and I'm going to fall into a temporal rift tomorrow morning and not come out till late Sunday anyway.
Then, when Neil does re-appear, we will all pretend like this never happened, right?
- dDave
Thursday, September 16, 2004
I have a scanner, but I do not have copies of the recent Afternoon mangas. Is there a way we can get the pages and my scanner into the same space-time continuum?
I live in San Jose, CA.
- Loran
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Since I buy Afternoon magazine every month (I just picked up the Octorber issue, haven't had a chance to look at chapter 122 yet), a text translation is all I've ever needed. But I know there are others who don't have access to Afternoon. I certianly hope Neil would understand if someone else started scanning YKK. After all, this website was created by Neil for the sole purpose of sharing his love of YKK. If he's temporarily unable to do it, it only makes sense for someone else to step up.
(I don't have a scanner by the way. So I can't help there.)
- martialstax
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Well, you could take a razor blade to the mangas...
(cue Psycho music)
and mail me the pages for scanning.
- Loran
Thursday, September 16, 2004
E-mail me. I'm at mike at stochasticjack dot com.
- martialstax
Thursday, September 16, 2004
dDave, what is your email address?
- Loran
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Jus click on th' link in mah name.
- dDave
Thursday, September 16, 2004
i could do editing if anyone require such skill
- AltF4
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Anarchy! Is this the beginning?
Next, someone will start drawing the new chapters because Asinano-san is too slow.
- seaweb
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Sure, why not? Lessee, whaddya think?
See, not so hard! Let's every one do it!
- dDave
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Hey, let me in on this!
Piece o' cake! ;p
- Dave Thespork
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Dave the Spork: What was THAT?
- seaweb
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Just a sketch I did a few months ago.
Sure, I got the face right, but I cropped off the parts I messed up. ;p
- Dave Thespork
Monday, September 20, 2004
I've just finished re-reading all the YKK I've got.. now I need more :)
I can't translate, but I could do some editing if you guys need help.
- Brad
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Watch this space for updates. An unholy alliance is working it's evil magic at this very minute.
- dDave
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Wow, I'm part of an unholy alliance. That's so cool. By the way, Loran, you did get the books, right?
- martialstax
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
And then I checked my e-mail. Good, you got them.
- martialstax
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
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