- kabigon
Friday, June 13, 2003
p.s.: YES the thumbnails are screwed up; I don't know why. The full-size images are fine. :)
p.p.s.: credit & thanks to Defiler for the scans; I didn't scan them, I'm just mirroring them. :)
- kabigon
Friday, June 13, 2003
Thank you for the fix! It's been too long since I've seen a new episode, so I appreciate you posting the scans!
- dDave
Friday, June 13, 2003
Yes, thank you....
I wonder what al the text means.
- Steven Robinson
Friday, June 13, 2003
Here's a brief summary.
The chapter is called "People who live in the sky"
Alpha is working in the coffee shop. The radio announces that the great white spaceship/airplane "Tapon" that Director Alpha is on will be leaving the northern hemisphere. Tapon will be flying in the southern hemisphere for the next six years. The announcer encourages folks on the Isle of Japan to get out and take a last look since the weather is clear.
Tapon flies over. Sensei, Ayase and Alpha are all watching in various locations. The announcer wonders if there are still people living on the plane, and if they are looking down right now.
The scene shifts to Director Alpha on Tapon. She is in darkness, lighting three candles/lamps. Then someone seems to announce the course correction to her. She goes to a window, puts a cord in her mouth, and looks out. She thinks about the fact she can still see the lives of people on the island below. She hopes that in six years, the smell of people will still permeate the land and that everyone will be well - Good bye.
Back to Alpha, watching Tapon receed. The announcer hopes that Tapon will return just fine in six years - Good bye.
- dDave
Friday, June 13, 2003
I'm scanning 105 tonight, 106 and 107 later this week. I'll make them available here, for my YKK homies.
- Defiler
Monday, June 16, 2003
Looking forward to seeing the new chapters! Thanks for scanning them in.
Kabigon's link to chapter 104 is no longer working. Would it be possible for you to put up ch. 104 as well?
- dDave
Monday, June 16, 2003
104 in JPEG format:
105 in JPEG format:
I think 105 looks much nicer than 104. Scanning the horribly crappy paper Afternoon is printed on is taking some time to get used to. It's also extremely hard to get the paper aligned on the scanner, because it's so flimsy. Oh well.
I'll do 106 tomorrow. I can't look at Photoshop for another second tonight. Heh.
- Defiler
Monday, June 16, 2003
Thank you very much! Looking forward to see the rest.
- dDave
Monday, June 16, 2003
Ouch. Spent three hours on this chapter. =) I think it looks better than the others, though, so I guess it wasn't a waste.
Once again, I regret that the source is newsprint. It will never be perfect.
- Defiler
Tuesday, June 17, 2003
Thanks again! It's great to be able to read new chapters again after so long!
By the way, the scans look great considering the source.
- dDave
Tuesday, June 17, 2003
No problem. It's a pleasure on several levels. I probably won't do 107 today, because it's movie night. Heh.
- Defiler
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Thank you for the scans and for the summary dDave. I am glad you are here ^^
- (NGA)
Thursday, June 19, 2003
ooops... sorry... that message was for Dfiler. I am sorry dDave and Dfiler =PPP...
- (NGA)
Thursday, June 19, 2003
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