Well, two installments so far. I am wondering if this manga will advance it's plot with this girl with tales of past supernatural occurances, or if it is headed to a current situation. So far, it is definately flavored (for me) much like YKK, but with more of a supernatural approach. I've heard YKK referred to as a "Stroll through the End of the World", meaning it's a lazy walk that lets you look at things at the end of the world, slowly. I wonder is PositioN will be a "Supernatural Stroll", letting us see uncommon things and Supernatural occurances at a lesuirely, unthreatening pace.
Nuf said, I think I like it =)
- Lee Franklin
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
It took me a second to realize it was the same girl in both stories. It is rather more supernatural than YKK, but in a beautiful, quiet way that reminds me of Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury.
I like the tension Ashinano creates in the second story, and how it's suddenly released but without losing any of the sense of wonder.
I'm enjoying PositioN as well as YKK. I wonder where he's going to go with it?
- Mike Dungan
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
I love it. ^^ maybe not as much as ykk but I really like it.
are there many position chapters?
- jonasfx
Tuesday, March 25, 2003
There isn't much PositioN at all--five or six chapters, I think. The Afternoon Season Special (the magazine in which it appears) only comes out four or five times a year, and PositioN doesn't appear in most issues of it.
- dn
Tuesday, March 25, 2003
Wow...I especially like the second story. Having just read a book on Shinto Shrines...and the significance of the Torii Gate as a passage into the parallel worlds of spirits....
Wow. Not YKK, but still very, very compelling and interesting. *sigh*
*sits down to wait for more*
- Saraphina
Wednesday, April 16, 2003
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