【Wakaba】 Admin tripcodes -ATTEMPT- (16)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-05 12:29 ID:5DY64FJB [Del]

So I decided to try my luck getting Admin tripcodes to work with Wakaba.

After line 139 in futaba_style.pl add:

<if $email><if $name eq 'admname'><if $trip eq 'admtrip'><span class="admin"><a href="<var $email>"><var $name><var $trip> [Admin]</a></span></if></if></if>
<if !$email><if $name eq 'admname'><if $trip eq 'admtrip'><span class="admin"><var $name><var $trip> [Admin]</span></if></if></if>

Replace admname with Admin's name.
Replace admtrip with Admin's output tripcode including the trip characters ('!' by default).
You can remove <var $trip> from both lines and simply have it so that it shows admname [Admin]
For multiple admins, simply repeat the code above onto the very next line.

Go into your \css\ folder and edit the css styles.



... with your own set of formatting between the brackets for each available theme.

The cheap mod does it's job... sort of. I'm not familiar with Perl and neither am I any good at coding and structure, so following that - theres a problem in the fact that the name and trip show up twice on the boards front page and reply mode as such:

 name!!trip [Admin] name!!trip 08/03/06(Thu)06:00  No.7

I'm not too sure how to go about making it ignore the code that comes after it:

<if $email><span class="postername"><a href="<var $email>"><var $name></a></span><if $trip><span class="postertrip"><a href="<var $email>"><var $trip></a></span></if></if>
<if !$email><span class="postername"><var $name></span><if $trip><span class="postertrip"><var $trip></span></if></if>

If anyone knows how to and would like to help, please, fire away.

This code works perfectly if you just want to have an admin tag of some sort. Simply remove both the <var $name><var $trip> from the 2 lines you added.

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