Huge Imageboard Culture Development (51)

21 Name: Anonymous : 2014-12-04 20:10 ID:HD2UyiyF [Del]

Oh god i can't stop laughing. The OP itself was mis-informed, but then there are those gems here and there.

Boards can be unmoderated, only moderation that happens globally is the removal of posts that break Washington laws.
Here's his speech when someone questioned 8chan pedophilia boards:
"Unfortunately, yes. I donft support the content on the boards you mentioned, but it is simply the cost of free speech and being the only active site to not impose more 'laws' than those that were passed in Washington, D.C." -Fredrick Brennan/"Hotwheels"

I don't think Hotwheels actually tought about that when he made 8chan

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