Friendly boards (10)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-03 07:03 ID:9KtvfK1n [Del]

4chan isn't the best, it's actually the worst.

A userbase filled with younger (Usually high school-age) kids that just spam and fill their boards with crap.

A website with a large and extremely active userbase is completely useless if everything they post is garbage. Even boards like /g/ and /mu/, boards which used to be filled with smart people who knew what they were talking about, are now filled with brand-attached people spouting "memes" and general shit. You can't even take advice from them anymore, because they have an intense brand obsession. Once they pledge their allegiance to one brand/person/band/etc, they just shout about how it's the best and how all others are terrible, even if the others are clearly better.

4chan is a cancer killing itself, and it's doing the world good.

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