
34 Name: Jkid!yYT/u4PSNE : 2011-03-30 07:03 ID:pqUNO2OK [Del]

However, the Q and A he had with reddit confirmed one thing: After the public beta, the Facebook Connect requirement will be gone, but you still need an account to participate.

>Accounts will be required, but you'll still be able to make unattributed/anonymous posts. We may offer some limited functionality for logged-out users, but there's a lot we want to do with the site that benefits from having accounts (but not necessarily your name next to a comment!).


He said that he would design a new type of imageboard that doesn't rely on 10 year old technology. Guess what, this isn't an imageboard as it requires you to log in irregardless of you want to post anonymously or not.

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