Tired (20)

10 Name: Anonymous : 2010-10-13 07:34 ID:Heaven [Del]

Man, I knew moot wasn't the brightest, but branding a website with a country-specific TLD is tremendously dumb.

Just look what happened to bit.ly. The country that owns the TLD is well within its rights to do something stupid when the site becomes popular, and then you're fucked.

Plus that makes it difficult to tell other people about the site, because people are generally unfamiliar with these domains. So if you tell someone to go to "canv dot as" you might end up wasting five minutes to explain to them that it isn't canv.as.com or canvas.com. (See the del.icio.us rebranding, for example.) For a site that's supposed to be targeting a general audience, stunting friend-to-friend word of mouth advertising that way is just plain bad.

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