Tired (20)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2010-09-19 03:17 ID:2gc9uZ0H [Del]

When will someone make an imageboard without all the japanese faggotry attached? No anime and manga boards. No touhou bullshit. No spamming desu. No voice synthesizers popular only because they have "personalities". No waifu cretinism. No 25 year old neckbeards discussing cartoons for little girls. Arguing which cartoon for little girls is better when they're all the same. Admitting they're all the same by bringing up the concept of moe and yet still arguing which is better. Calling each other faggots because they watch slightly different cartoon for children. Ruining everything they touch by making manga fanart, reducing everything they see to the level of the cartoons for children they love so much. I'm so tired of this. Guess what? There are many fandoms just as fucked up, if not more fucked up, than you. But I don't mind them. Why? Because they're not all over the fucking internet. I don't risk running into a fant of brazil soap operas on a gaming forum. You faggots are everywhere, and you're as much in-your-face about your idiotic hobby as possible. Anime avatar. Anime sig.

God I hate you all.

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