Pyib Installing Help (10)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-08 16:59 ID:fRwCcGkL [Del]

Has anyone tried installing it? I have never used python before so I'm lost :(


2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-08 17:02 ID:fRwCcGkL [Del]

also does it have any anti spam functions? and is it good with high traffic sites?

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-09 01:15 ID:Heaven [Del]

look at the source. if you can't figure out the answers to those questions on your own you probably shouldn't be running a web site.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-09 05:40 ID:Heaven [Del]

Why do you think you need to worry about high traffic sites?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-09 13:42 ID:Heaven [Del]

I don't think it can be ran? I tried to get it going but failed. I don't see any websites besides running it?

6 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-10 05:38 ID:Heaven [Del]

Yes it can. It's just that no one else cares about it.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-10 10:29 ID:6S1iOrkJ [Del]


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