4chan's /b/ (59, permasaged)

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-21 02:46 ID:Heaven [Del]

You can always tell when /b/ goes down, since without it the retards start leaking everywhere.

I'm not very clear on the whole situation but in the days leading up to this, Ano­n­T­alk spammed its adverts all over /b/; subsequently, /b/ retaliated by flooding AT, which didn't stop the spamming of /b/. Finally moot created a stickied thread where he indicated his surprise at the userbase being unable to stop AT from spamming /b/, which resulted in numerous how-to-DDoS-AT threads. AT then decided to DDoS 4chan (ALL the servers are presently down, not just /b/), and now I'm guessing 4chan has also started to DDoS AT.

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