Board rules, mod presence and its effect on user culture (28)

21 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-02 19:02 ID:Heaven [Del]

"Mods enforcing quality" is the straight road to stagnation, most of the funny or amusing threads i've seen were not that funny/amusing from the beginning. And "keeping quality" just restricts the creativeness/randomness of the board, it is what collective blogs with rating system are plaqued with -- people do not express themselves or write on the topics that they are interested in, but try to please the community, which leaves otherwise interesting, but possibly unpopular topics without coverage.

In fact, 4chan's way or futaba way are both legitimate, albeit very different approaches to building of online communities.

You maybe right. As far as I can understand, Futaba copes with this problem by having several random boards. Maybe this is the way 4chan should take too?

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