Board rules, mod presence and its effect on user culture (28)

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-29 02:32 ID:qoP89rUD [Del]

Well, I've been visting a fairly large russian imageboard (it has around 500000 posts per month) which is barely moderated. Board rules are minimalistic, and almost never enforced. Image flood is only banned/rolledback when it is too long (like days). The only things being deleted are CP and other illegal content.

As a result, it is overflowing with flood, offtopic, copypasta, mindless trolling (like posting scat to 'girls' or 'cooking' boards) and plain insults. In fact, insults constitute a large part of the board's local memes. Dunno if it is any better or funnier than 4chan.

Even in these harsh environments original content is created somehow, memes spread and lulz are received. But every now and then I am amazed at the lengths a person can go just to be a dick.

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