Webhosts/Other software for Imageboards? (88)

48 Name: TheStupidOne!36Pr0Wdt4A : 2007-05-05 01:40 ID:GPJYd31Y [Del]

>>47 I'm not migrating to wakaba. I'm currently coding a new imageboard script. After some analysis of kareha, there was just too much that needed to be modified in order to make it run more efficiently.

Friend of mine wrote a script to export all the threads from kareha and strip the html from them, giving me a base to build a new script off of. I'm going to keep the style of kareha, drop in, very little configuration, and nothing other than a webserver needed to run (IE flatfiles, no sql db required).

Gives me some practice and I find it a fun project. I'll implement all the features I want, while keeping it as simple to run and maintain as possible.

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