Uncensored Japanese imageboard (33)

1 Name: OnionRingOfDoom : 2006-02-19 09:41 ID:kLxE/ubX [Del]

I recently lost all my bookmarks, and one of them was an amazing japanese imageboard for artists who uncensored imaged, and artists who's pictures were in progress and who were looking for feedback. I think the host of the site began with an H, but that's all I can remember. Does anybody know what site I'm talking about?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-02-19 18:25 ID:Heaven [Del]


3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-02-20 02:51 ID:iPiT7RmR [Del]

Haven't you heard the saying

"I will ask google before asking as stupid question."?

I guess not. To google with you! BE GONE!

4 Name: Anonymous : 2006-02-20 07:47 ID:Heaven [Del]

>>3 is Prime Minister Gugurecus.

5 Post deleted by moderator.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-01 00:27 ID:FNzyrPl2 [Del]

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-17 18:00 ID:Ds2Vl6at [Del]

... you're from /b/ aren't you?
japanese website+google+unknown URL= >>3 FAIL
I've searched for this as well, on google, and yahel...erm,
I mean yahoo, and I found NOTHING. I don't beleive imageboard is in the URL, since THAT'S what I searched for...

But this was all just an excuse to stroke you're E-PENIS, wasn't it?

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-15 12:05 ID:VWTuy3+t [Del]

      , イ)ィ -─ ──- 、ミヽ
      ノ /,.-‐'"´ `ヾj ii /  Λ
    ,イ// ^ヽj(二フ'"´ ̄`ヾ、ノイ{
   ノ/,/ミ三ニヲ´        ゙、ノi!
  {V /ミ三二,イ ,  /,   ,\  Yソ
  レ'/三二彡イ  .:ィこラ   ;:こラ  j{
  V;;;::. ;ヲヾ!V    ー '′ i ー ' ソ
   Vニミ( 入 、      r  j  ,′
   ヾミ、`ゝ  ` ー--‐'ゞニ<‐-イ
     ヽ ヽ     -''ニニ‐  /
        |  `、     ⌒  ,/
       |    >┻━┻'r‐'´
      ヽ_         |
         ヽ _ _ 」    

  ググレカス [ Gugurecus ]
  ( 2006 〜 没年不明 )

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