reviving an old idea (11)

1 Name: anon!21anon4H3U 2005-07-28 18:11 ID:MBLMRsTk [Del]

hay folks.

I've been thinking about a thread I know floated around here way back (right after wakachan launched) about merchandising. Is there still intrest in this out there? I know that I'd wear a shirt with the wakaba logo on the pocket. I could see the 4chan leaf on a coffee mug. pedobear "seal of approval" stickers.

The only problem might be getting permission from the creator of specific images (more like finding the creator of specific images), not so much using pedobear &co.

Ad to sweaten the deal to guilty concinces on 4chan for not donating: portions of proceeds go towards a monthy donation to the 4chan/iichan servers, depending on what's selling better.

Feel free to yell at me for being pie-in-the-sky optimistic about this.

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