Introducing Thorn (or: Jesus, Not Another Image Board Script) (137)

68 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2005-10-10 22:28 ID:LUOY+KDN [Del]

>May I ask the reasoning behind this?

Back a long long time ago, when the idea of first writing a forum-ish script came to mind (which was even before 4chan was around) but I didn't yet have the skills to write one, I realized that various forms of communication software (if you will) on the web all kind of used the same model; whether they be text-based forums, image gallery scripts, or blog scripts, they all worked by someone posting a "head" (a new thread, an image, a blog post) and then others making replies to it. So if a textual BBS like phpBB, an image gallery like Gallery, an image board like Wakaba, a blog like Wordpress, and so on all use the same head-reply model, why can't one script be generalized enough that it can serve all of those purposes? Thorn can already do those first three just by tweaking with the templates and setting the options, no touching of the PHP code necessary; however, date functions to make it practical for using for blogging have yet to be implemented.

So, again, this is another reason why I say that Thorn is not meant to be a 100% clone of image board scripts. With so many decent image board scripts already out there, what would be the point? It's meant to work as an image board script and do other things as well.

>>I think it tells quite a lot that people are more likely to give feedback here than on your own Thorn-powered Thorn discussion board.
>It's funny 'cause it's true.

Well, I prefer using a Kareha-like layout over a Wakaba-like layout for just discussion as well.

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