Introducing Thorn (or: Jesus, Not Another Image Board Script) (137)

110 Name: SomeWhiteGuy !obkj4fb50I : 2006-01-21 20:11 ID:I7Ncl6xu [Del]

Hm.. I'm kinda new to thorn, I'm actually working on a separate project to add seed support to image boards, and that got me into trying Thorn out. I finally got it to work now, but I had to go through some trouble. I don't know, it may be issues taken care of already though as I just noticed now that you released a new beta (I was trying 1.0). I noticed when I fucked up on installs I cant click the back button and retry, I have to wipe out the directory and refresh from the archive. On windows when I try to install it to a directory like "E:_Program Files_Apache Group_Apache2_htdocs_thorn_" it doesnft seem to like it, it will work at first, but when trying to apply admin settings it gives a PHP error about trying to access a file, and the file path that it errors on I notice seems to be the correct path but the "_th" in g_thorn_h is messed up. So basically, I couldnft get it to work in a directory called "thorn". Also, when I got past that, it some how messed up on the MySQL database setup (I think I forgot to tell it to create the tables), but when I tried to go back to fix my mistake, I couldnft. From that point on no matter what thorn page I tried to access it gave some MySQL code and something about how it couldnft access the tables (I had to start all over again from scratch).

Well, I got it to work now though, I went around the admin section a few times pressing apply buttons and changing some settings and it seems to work well. I guess it's just the install functions that need to be debugged a little.

Nice work though btw.

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