What study? (17)

6 Name: Furi!EuK0M02kkg 2005-05-29 07:57 ID:Heaven [Del]

I must say, I agree with your sentiments. This is indeed the perfect place for such discussion. However, expecting something deep and insightful from most people here will be fraught with danger. Not meaning to cause anyone offence, but imageboards aren't exactly the pinnacle of higher thought.

I myself should love to write such an article or study, but about what? I'm sure I could write many things, but it would be hopelessly disconnected and irreverant.

That said, the title "Society for the study of modern image board culture" is not a misnomer. Should you find it necessary, researching "Genshiken" will take you a long way towards enlightenment.

A good day to you, my fellow.

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