Experimental image "board"-type thing (118)

3 Name: Furi!EuK0M02kkg 2005-04-05 06:07 ID:Heaven [Del]

Ehe, sorry, there's not a lot I can do about it. The hosting that I do have access to is limited (ie. I can't make another table to run this thing, and that's a MySQL server anyway), and is something someone has offered me out of gratitude, so this is pretty much all I have.

FYI, I live in Australia. Our ex-Minister for Communications was the guy who proclaimed that broadband takeup was fuelled by demand for pornography, and essentially relegated us into being a technological backwater as far as internet connectivity. Stupid retard.

Anyway, I'll change shirayuki's bandwidth limiter to allow you a bit more outgoing bandwidth. Hopefully it'll help a little. My upload here is a pathetic 128kbps, and I need to courteously share this line with my family. I can't use all the upload, otherwise it'll slow them to a crawl. I'll adjust the limit on the number of results returned even lower if anyone thinks it'll help.

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